Me and my old hunting buddy recently got the bright idea to go back to hog hunting, after a break of about 7 yrs. Neither of us had any dogs left so we set about gathering us up some. I got a hound something mix from Troy, on here. (strangest dog I have ever owned) Joe got two young (10 mo) 1\2 bluetick, 1\4 cat, 1\4 pit pups. then I went up to OK and bought a "started" dog. (he had to be a good one, he was all cut up, ha). Joe went somewhere and bought an AB X pit female that had never sniffed a pig for our mighty catch dog.
we cut a couple of pigs loose, waited till they were plenty gone, and cut the pups out. both times the dogs tracked the hog, and caught it. then for the past three weeks, we have hunted the dogs every chance we have had. Daytime, night, sometimes both in the same day. we hunted spot after spot and nothing! the dogs all got out good except the "started dog" he didnt do squat! nothing! except bay a horse right in front of the landowner! We called the guy we got him from since he gauranteed him and he said keep him a bit longer and if he still wouldnt get it done bring him back.
Well, this morning started out like every other hunt. Not a bark on the first drop. We loaded up and headed to another spot, cussing our wonderful dog the whole way. We decided to call the guy and take him back today!
We got to the second drop and started down the edge of a plowed cornfield with a creek and timber to our left. We walked a little piece, with the dogs always about 150 to 200 yds ahead of us, in and out of the timber. We were about a 1\4 from the truck and all of the dogs peeled out to the left, crossed the creek, and hit the timber. About 15 minutes passed and we heard the dogs open. we hurried to the edge of the creek and were close enough to the dogs to hear a sound I was beginning to think we would never hear....PIGS!!!!!!! they had run them back towards us and got bayed up right across the creek. We could see two of the dogs bayed on the other side of the creek and could hear the others in the timber a little farther. We decided to send the mighty catch dog who up till this point, had still never sniffed a pig. She flew across that creek, and hit that hog like a freight train! caught on the ear.
We flew across that creek, tossed that pig, tied the dogs, and sent the mighty catch dog to the other two dogs. caught that pig, and comenced to hauling them back to the truck. I tell you i am damn proud of all of those dogs! the oldest is barely over a year old. (except the bulldog, she has been a house dog for 2 yrs)
Boys, these were not big hogs, but I was just as proud as if they were 400 lbs. I am going to put a couple of pictures up. stay tuned for further misadventures of the great white pig hunters.