Bo Pugh
« on: March 20, 2011, 02:03:55 pm » |
i always though i lived in a good place, i live behind a wealthy subdivision around all good people nothing ever happens around where i live at, well my girl friend comes in at 11:30 last night and ask me where my pants are that she hung on the back porch  well i didnt think anything about it and today my mom told me that she seen a Hobo down the road with his duffle bag, i guess that he come in my back yard last night and got my pants off my back porch, she has seen him the last 3 days in the area so hes probably staying in a old abandoned house down the road, its kinda funny but its kinda scary that people would come on your porch and get your things, i dont guess i can say anything about the ghetto anymore because im in it, i just thouht i would share and just remind everyone not to underestimate a theif, im gonna wait up tonite. to be continued....
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 02:31:32 pm » |
I think I would wait up to and when I caught him make him take his pants or yours off and then let him go and see how it feels to have someone take his pants and well then call police and tell them a pantless man is running around
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 03:33:13 pm » |
Next time hang some pink boxer drawers on the back porch. If he steals them and wears em. His buddies will probably beat his tail for ya. If nothing else you and the ol lady can get a good laugh. Yep that city life aint for me bro. AT ALL !
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 05:19:05 pm » |
I would be kind of mad that he just took them , better to ask if you really need them , but think bout it in a good way that might be the only good pair of pants he will have for a while just be glad your fortunate enough to be able to get done more
Tusk Hog
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 05:44:18 pm » |
Believe I would soak the crotch with Ben Gay or something along that line and leave him a second pair. Revenge is sweet.
Bo Pugh
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2011, 05:57:11 pm » |
yea im kinda mad i dont like a thief, and i hope the pants are to small for him and he cant wear them, i have another pair of pants hanging out there now for him and when he comes tonite to get them its gonna be a surprise waiting on him, if he needed some pants he should do like everyone else either get a job or get on welfare, im not in the give away program, i keep seeing the law riding by so i think he might have got him a shirt to match from somewhere else around here
waylon-N.E. OK
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2011, 07:17:25 pm » |
My gran daddy cured a few thief's with Rock salt and a 410.........Just saying
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2011, 10:23:14 am » |
My gran daddy cured a few thief's with Rock salt and a 410.........Just saying
Ouch! That works for keeping boys away from daughters too! I brought a girl home late and I made the mistake of getting out of the truck to walk her to the door. I called her daddy the next day to apologize. He laughed and asked how my a$$ felt. He told me we could go out again but I better have her home on time. I just said yes sir. I did not tell him all I got was salt on my clothes but it got the point across to me. It was a guy like that that was pissing on my truck, driveway, and front porch. I guess he did not like the way I looked at him. I let him know I would catch him and hog tie him with his willy hangen out and the call the cops the next time. I also put up cameras but they are hidden. He has not been back. I would just go find the guy and let him know that you know what he did. Tell him when you catch him you are gonna take his pants and hog tie him for the law to come hall him off. There is just something that hits a part of their brain when you tell them you will hog tie em. You are not challenging them or threatening them with violence but it is clear that you mean business. Plus it would be real funny. It would be the story at the local police station for some time.
"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2011, 10:56:06 am » |
man i hear you, last night me my girlfriend and my best friend just got done eating and were watching some tv it was 11:45. A little creepy fella knocked on my front door, i turned on the light saw who it was and went and sat back down thinking he would go away. well he didnt. My screen window was open so he started yelling threw the window, so i went over there and asked him what the hell he wanted. He wanted me to give him a ride to town he needed a pack of smokes... i told him to walk and closed my window.
Call me what you want, god made me, Jesus saved me, and my moma raised me.