went out today its the second time ive taken lil roly hunting since he has been out of retirement . anyway i let him run along the ute and i pulled up to let him up i said get up and then realised he didnt hop up on the ute . i had a look and he wasnt there he was gone so i turned off the ute and listened and heard a noise i run to the spot to see a mob of about 5 goats . and one makin a horrid noise lol . lil roly had the goat by the bottom jaw and was barely touchin the ground i went over and helped him out the billy tossed him off and head butted lil roly a few times but that didnt stop his determination . i got the goat and looked at it and was amazed this goat was the biggest one ive caught in years i cut out its gut and carried it out of the forest i probably wouldnt be able to lift it with its guts in lol . lil roly did very well to handle this goat one out and for it to be the first animal he has caught since bein back in action . well him and massacre got somethin when i lost them last week but i didnt catch it so i dont class it as a catch cause i come back with clean hands lol . anyway here is some pics and ill post video soon .