So we been huntin' this SOB for a while now... Killed a lot of good hogs lately but this is one of those hogs that means somethin' when ya' finally get him!!!
Rancher had this hog patterned for us real good, always rooted the same area of pasture(real descructive hog)... We knew where he came from, knew where he was gonna go... but he managed to whip us more than a few times.... Just one of those real smart hogs....
We've bumped him a few times over the last year or two, Shiner bayed him up nice a few mnths ago but Bucho got his vest hung up in the briars and we about got in a tight spot because of it.... Went in last week and the rancher saw him slippin' behind us as we were tryin' to "sneak in" to catch him out of rhythm... Put a fresh Shine and Camo on his ass and he dumped 'em on a sow at 3/4 of a mile... just one smart son of a gun!!!
Frustrated with the heat/time constraint of morning hunts(especially tryin' to get 5/10 mnth old pups started at the same time!!
)... we been doin' some night hunts out at the ranch and been doin' perty good....
Started out this Saturday night with the wind blowin' 20-30 outta the SW, so we cooked a mess-0 oysters up and talked about the plan while waitin' on the wind to die off after the sun set...
Decided to put the meatheads up on top and spotlight the boar's favorite pasture buffet' location before rig huntin'... didn't see nothin' movin' coming in... but as we came up on the spot, we saw a big, black, shadow... shoulder deep, flippin' sod... oblivious to our presence...
He was about 400yds out, 200yds from a thick woodline.... I held Snapps until I thought she'd locked on and sent the girls on...
They blew off the dog box at a dead out run the wrong direction a hundred yds and completely destroyed a fat skunk
before "leisurely" deciding to go after the now "supersonic" boar hog, crashing towards his swamp edge he knew he could loose the dogs in....
BUT!!!! Ol' Black-y wasn't countin' on "meat"ing the MEATHEADS out on open ground that night!!! HAHAAA!!!!
(These two are deadly if they catch ANYTHING out in open country
)(generations of grass patch dogs shining through!!!
Even with a face full of skunk the girls caught wind of the boar and ran his ass down yds away from his rough edge he always escapes to... Chub nutted him and ol' Snapps was on his ear before he could even turn to see where his left testicle went ...
Chub regripped on the other ear as I sent Bucho from the truck to back the thrashing blur of black an white....
We'd talked about this particular boar that evening while shuckin' oysters... "as good as he is... he's bound to make a mistake at some point..."
His mistake was underestimating the horsepower of the MEATHEADS!!!
(Seriously, I still wonder how these two are still alive...
Lane and ol' Black-y...
Alex and ol' Black-y... Alex is the rancher's grandson, has been with us all the times we've come close to catchin' this sucker... was a good hunt!!!
Good hunt, no bad cuts... got straight up smoked by 2 different hogs after that but got some good pup time in all the same!