Well, I'm finally graduating today so lately me and a few of my fellow seniors have been tearing the hogs up in the peanut fields, catching multiple hogs over 150 every weekday this week. Thursday morning we got a call from an old man saying he saw a big group cross his dirt road that morning so when it got dark we loaded up and headed outside of town. Dropped the dogs and it wasn't long before one of my pups had a big ole coon bayed

About 5 minutes after we caught the coon the dogs left out a little ways and bayed a BIG sounder of pork. Caught two initially and then the dogs rolled out and caught this pot bellied pig! After we got her, my buddies black dog rolled out twice more and we ended up catching two more big sows, the last hog off the hwy in a culvert full of water. It was a real good time with my buds I may not ever get to hunt with again.
Here's a picture of Rebel and Max I took for my senior pictures.

and Rebel again..(I don't like yella dogs, but he's beginning to change my mind)

Here's where these stupid hogs crossed the dirt road. I'm pretty sure someone had to have dumped these rock heads out because they did not know what a dog was.