« on: July 13, 2011, 08:27:53 pm » |
have yall ever had not a dominant male but female out of all of yalls dogs
If something is worth having, it is worth working for
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 08:50:52 pm » |
i had one a guy from fla gave me to try . she wouldnt look at a cow or hog but when the other dogs caught a hog she'd jump on the nearest female ... she's no longer with us 
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 10:10:29 pm » |
Not sure exactly what you are asking but I have a dominant Brittany female. To the point of being butch. And then I found out her hormones will affect other females either keeping them from cycling or causing tiny litters.
She didnt even cycle herself for 2 years. After some research, I started feeding her powdered kelp. It has something in it that works on the feminine side of things. I actually fed it to both Britt gyps and Petra and they all cycled within 2 weeks of each other.
And she is dominant around other dogs just like a stud male .
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 10:13:58 pm » |
I have the same problem with a catahoula gyp... she thinks she is alpha.... my molly dog is gonna eventually show her she isnt.... 
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2011, 11:36:11 pm » |
Most of my females are domininant, but they do have the pecking order. My gyps that are related will all get along great with each other crazy stuff. Our males takea back seat to the femalesa arounds here. Don;t get me wrong they all can and do, hunt together at different times we rotate our dogs and work in different hunts in different pairs, depending on theproperty and terrain we are hunting, but on the yard they all have their territory and their pecking order. I have "scuffles" at times, not fights, it does not require any assistance from anybody to straighten them out. Nature runs its course. I do do havea few of my females that hike and mark territory too.
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 06:35:50 am » |
I have one that will hike a leg and mark but we don't get much trouble out of her. She usually rides in her own section in the dog trailer or in the dog box but that's mostly because she's a big clumsy oaf that steps on everybody else.
LONESTAR WORKING DOG ASSOCIATION www.lswda.orgDiplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggie" until you can find a rock- Will Rogers
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 07:00:25 am » |
I've got a female that will "peck" every dog she meets in the neck. When that nonsense is over, she goes hunting. She has done this since 6 months.
She has only been in a couple little scraps, nothing big. Mostly showing teeth and making noise. It's done in 5 seconds and no correction is needed. I've hunted her with more than 20 different dogs that are not mine, so a couple scraps is not a problem.
"We are all on our way out...ACT ACCORDINGLY"