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Author Topic: dealing with a skittish pup  (Read 1544 times)
Strike Dog
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« on: February 10, 2009, 10:41:31 pm »

Guess I did everything backwards cuz I started off with a catchdog and then started buying started/finished cur dogs.  Well Im finally going to try and raise/train some baydog pups of my own. I know the predominate theory on raising cur dog pups is to not mess with them too much until they are old enough to start, I'm told that can be as earlier as 8-10 months but usually most dogs dont start clicking until 12-18 mo. old. Most of the other hunters I know just kennel or tie out their pups and dont mess with em at all.  My problem is, I got this ymbc pup who I got at 2 mo. old, I guess he is around 5 mo. now. Ive taken him out a few times to socilize him with other dogs and people but other than that I leave him alone.  This dog hasnt ever been abused or neglected or nothing, but for whatever reason he is really skittish around people and even I have to chase him around the barrel for awhile everytime before I can catch him and I feed the daddy didn't marry mommy. One time I let him run loose in a large field without a lead and it took me over 45 mins to finally corner his ass and put him back in the truck. Im thinking maybe I should try and work with him some and at least teach him to sit and come but Im afraid if I jack around too much with him, he wont want to leave my feet when I finally start taking him out. Doesn't kenneling the dog and not paying attention to them make them wild and have no handle. I just dont want to feed a dog for 12 mo. and have to leave him in the woods the first time I hunt him cuz he is too skittish to catch and runs away when you walk towards him. Is it common for pups to be skittish like this? do you think I will screw up his hunting potential too much if I try and teach him commands before I start taking him to the woods. Ive been told that if I work with him now and give him treats for sitting on commang then once we start hitting the woods he wont go out far cuz he will always be looking to me for praise or treats. What the hell does everyone else do with their pups until they are 12-18 mo. old and ready to start hunting? Anybody got any good tricks to get this dog to be less skittish.  I have tried taking him to crowded pubilc places to get him used to lots of people being around but Im not sure its helping any.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 10:56:24 pm »

They are still pups and need socialization, interaction, and manners. Kennel him next to an older dog that you'll take to the woods with him when he starts. If the pup has hunt in it, it'll hunt.
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 11:22:50 pm »

I spend alot of time with my pups, I only want them to know 3 things come, down and get out. I never use treats. I will start working pups outside with an older dog at 6 months these are day time dry training runs, I just want the pups to run with an older dog and stay packed-up and run. I will let them see a small hog about twice a month to start. I like them to spend time loose and following me around the house while I do chores. On a skittish pup I will take them with me everywhere I go 24/7 untill its better. The pup must have trust in you as a leader and not be afraid, a scared dog will not get out and hunt. Not alot of petting just a rub here and there. If the dog has got some hunt to it it will hunt, I believe that confident dogs hunt the hardest with more range because they are not afraid of making a mistake. The better he knows you the better he will read you and the better he will hunt, just my thoughts I raise and train 1-2 full litters a year, I have 10 6 month old pups I am working with now.

Paul T

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« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2009, 08:23:51 am »

I guess I am different than most folks. I dont buy into that mess that you are going to ruin a dog by petting it and hauling it around. I pet on my dogs all the time. pups, I like to take them with me when I go somewhere. I believe that a dog will either make a dog or not, and my dogs hunt just as hard as any. If they dont they get culled. It is the same as any other working dog. Police dogs live in the houses with the officers. I dont bring hunting dogs in the house (although I have brought puppies in to play on ocassion) Honestly I think that most all shyness in dogs is genetic. There is a very important window when a dog is 8-12 weeks old. this time in a dogs life is the most important time. you cant socialize a dog too much during this time period.

Hoghunterdfw, my opinion is that your pup was not socialized properly in that window. If it were me I would spend every second I could with the dog. If you have kids, they are the best at getting a pup over that. You will probably never have an outgoing dog but that will not matter in the woods. Right now my buddy and I are hunting two airdale X BMC pups that were real shy when we got them. they are still shy, but not around a hog.

pig picker
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« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2009, 09:17:11 am »

Had a pup that I bought that was like that.  She stills shys down when I go to unchain her,  I say "loadup" and she runs and jumps in the box. She does stay nearby if we are not hunting. but at hunting time she is gone.  Yes I had to pet her and pet her while I fedd her and constantly appreciated her.
Worked for my dog.
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« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2009, 05:39:21 pm »

I also had a "shy" pup, wouldnt hunt or honor a bay, acted scared when she saw a hog..But was told she'd hunt by herself and assist in a bay..No problem I just started over, she saw me congradulate the other dogs when we caught hogs and I showed her alot of attention, in and out of the woods. Within about a month she was huntin on her own and honoring the bay.. I'm with muleman on the attention and socialization..Works for me everytime...they will do what makes you happy, if they see you happy when they find hogs then thats what they will continue to do..

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Victor Dealer/Promoter
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« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2009, 06:08:17 pm »

if the dog has some brains, ive got a 20 minute fix.
Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2009, 06:29:46 pm »

in my opinion you have gotten some good info . i dont know who leaves thier dog alone until a year old and then expects them to perfom . there is a difference in being friends with a dog and making a pet out of him . if hes got hunt in him , you would almost have to try, to destroy it.

                   yes you can ruin any dog , but if he gets ruint by basic obediance and socialisation he wasnt nothing but a cull to start with.
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