« on: February 12, 2009, 07:55:46 am » |
I have a dog that is just starting to hunt in the woods. took her the other day and when we bayed she was there doing good .It was a big boar that weighed 300lbs, didn't take long for things to get ugly.He cut two dogs pretty bad so we shot the hog and that is when my dog turned and ran. Looked for her for about two hours or so and had to leave to go to work. I left a towel I had in the truck where we turned loose. The next morning she was laying on the towel I had left for her. Just wondering if anyone has ever delt with this b4 and if so what are some good things to do to get her used to the shooting? We usually do not shoot the hogs but this was a life or death decission so u know what I chose to do. Any help would be appreciated .
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 08:34:56 am » |
While you feed, shot a small cal around the kennels(.22,.17). After a couple of days go bigger. After she sees that the noise is ok she will be fine. But, I have seen a few dogs that no matter what- ran at shot. Thats the easy way. I have used the tie them to your belt loop and skip right to a 12ga. It worked, but it wasnt fun.
Make it fun for the dog.
There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.
"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off" Rich.
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 10:02:01 am » |
this is how i did it to introduce labs to gunfire (granted it was introduced while tossing a dummy but the principle should be the same). start at a distance from the dog with blank gun .209primer or .22 it don't really matter. slowly progress closer (over a week or two) to the dog as he becomes accustomed to the "bang". after you can stand by the dog and shoot the blank gun and the dog does not flinch or pay any mind to it, i'd buy a box of .12gauge poppers. you can find them in most any dog supply catalog. i used to get mine from Lion Country Supply. you can fire them in a regular single shot 12gauge. and do the same routine as you did with the smaller blank gun and work your way toward the dog. i haven't come across a dog that this method did not work with.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2009, 12:45:26 pm » |
i did this with some labs i had,,,, if you have a local gun range nearby , go there and just lead him around next to some shooting areas , he will get use to the sound