I have a Catch dog that i just dont need anymore. Hes a dam good dog, but im not a big fan of red noises. I like Amareican Bulldogs better an i have 4 of them on wich i alternate each time a hunt. So...He is a red noise pit 40 to 50 pounds. A year old an has been on about 30 t0 40 hogs. I have a video of the fist time he had ever seen a hog so you can see him in action.
Im wanting to trade him for a cut and bay vest or some metal...Tubing, or sheet metal. I know times are hard an everyone doesnt have money so that why he is up for trade. He"l play with dogs in the yard and sleep in your bed at night. (903-402-9891) text me and let me know what you have. All trades will be considered.