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Author Topic: attention oklahoma hog doggers  (Read 3795 times)
okie hogger954
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« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2012, 09:09:05 am »

your rigt there rockin roo they are tring to pass a law right now in the house that when you are hunting a night you have to have a permit and give the area that you will be hunting. that is not going to hurt anyone but the ones that hunt right and not just drive the roads and kick dogs out. iam heading back to the oilfield patch this week but i will keep up as goods as i can but if ya'll need me call me at 918-470-5992.

                                                                                   thanks once again guys let keep are game up and we will make it
coyote hunter
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« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2012, 11:08:42 am »

I fight for it now hard enough. I have Don Armes an randy bass on fb( not to mention I dog for em.) So let me know whats going on. I have reps in my corner! My name is Darrell Lewis. My number is 580-704-7521. Oh an I'm good buddies with Comanche and cotton county game wardens an fixing to meet tillman counties.
 Remember the more people (landowners friends family etc, not just hunters) are the mist important aspect in this fight. All my landowners will go to bat for me.  I do a good job and respect their land. Most of tell me I can dog there however I want. whenever I want and they don't care what the law says. Just get the hogs. The fight starts at the bottom. Finishes at the top. Before u join this or start it be ready. Its a long hard road to hold.

bay tight, catch hard
okie hogger954
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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2012, 11:51:26 am »

coyote hunter i know you are right there but if we come together the better chance we have to stand againest the others, yes we will have everyone involved from land owners to game warns. it will take all of us to make a differnts in this state.
coyote hunter
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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2012, 03:31:43 pm »

Oh yeah u know I'm in and I have some friends in high places. Most of my family dogs yotes. Their all for it. Just let me know what I can do to help. Like I said I've got some good backers.

bay tight, catch hard
waylon-N.E. OK
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« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2012, 09:14:35 pm »

We already have a very powerful and effective group of dedicated men some of which are our elected officials. This group has fought and defended our rights in this state a long time and in my opinion it would be better to throw our support in with then than start a new group as these men have lawyers and as I've stated elected officials in there ranks.

I'm not knocking the effort just saying they are doing a fine job and our further support would only make there experienced efforts all the better. Don't let there name fool you as they fight for all dog hunters rights in our state.

God Bless, Waylon

Specializing in hard to find cold nosed armadillo dogs.
Osage County,Oklahoma
waylon-N.E. OK
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« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2012, 09:23:44 pm »

Here is exert from there site. The org. has Ed Abel on there side who is one of the top 10 attorney's in the united states and many others just as well as full time lobbyist.

" We are also taking donations for the Okla. Federation Legislative Fund that the Federation has established to put funds in to pay our Lobbyist Gerald Hacker. We would appreciate if all Clubs could donate to this Fund. We are heading in the right direction.  We voted at the OK State Hunt that the Houndtrust be reinstated.  It will need work and money to get it off and running.  Ed Ables has agreed to help us, but only if we all help ourselves.  You must get to know you Senator and Representative and write, call, email, or go visit them regarding bills or laws that affect OK hunters of all kinds.  Keep up to date on new bills and legislation.  We must all get involved in order to change things.  "

again this group of men are already on the front lines and have been for some time, our support of them only arms them with the tools to continue the battle combined with there experience that my friends equals a winning combo.

God Bless, Waylon

Specializing in hard to find cold nosed armadillo dogs.
Osage County,Oklahoma
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« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2012, 11:06:25 pm »

Count me in. Whatever I can do. You get membership figured out and you got not only me but my hunting buddies. They will be game as well.

okie hogger954
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« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2012, 04:06:51 pm »

Waylan if that association is so good why are all the new laws getting passed. You say there for the dog hunt but i don't see them doing anything to help us. So the next question is why should we as dog hunters give are money to something that is not working. That is why iam for a change. You Have to have game to get things done and that is what iam building this association on where maybe thing will get done. Instead of wasting a working man's money and a sport we enjoy doing and want to protect all sports done with dogs.
                                                                                  God bless us and may god be with us in these journey
Bar R Ranch
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« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2012, 04:56:07 pm »

Waylan if that association is so good why are all the new laws getting passed. You say there for the dog hunt but i don't see them doing anything to help us. So the next question is why should we as dog hunters give are money to something that is not working. That is why iam for a change. You Have to have game to get things done and that is what iam building this association on where maybe thing will get done. Instead of wasting a working man's money and a sport we enjoy doing and want to protect all sports done with dogs.
                                                                                  God bless us and may god be with us in these journey
This new law that took away our right to retrieve wasnt pointed specifically at dog hunters. It prevents the retrieval of livestock or other animals from private property without landowner permission. That bill was backed by cattlemen. Cattlemen outnumer dog hunters by quite abit. As a landowner I like the bill. 
waylon-N.E. OK
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« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2012, 05:25:04 pm »

hey listen brother I'm not trying to stop you, if you think you can build a better group, fight harder, payroll your own lobbyist & recruit your own law firm to battle in the courts, make critical connections with the powers that be where it counts go ahead and be my guest. I'm sure not knocking you effort just trying to steer it where it could be better served and used, but maybe if ALL dog men would have got behind the Oklahoma federatiion that bill might have been stopped, I called the Governer's office my self several times wrote every one I could . This ain't my first rodeo with this type of deal and my money is with the guys who have been protecting your and my dog hunting rights longer than we have been alive, same men who now run the federation . I'm  simply trying to unite a house not divide it, maybe you should give them a call or research there record before you pass judgment because one bill didn't get beat. Maybe you could have done better, but I really doubt it.

God Bless, Waylon

Specializing in hard to find cold nosed armadillo dogs.
Osage County,Oklahoma
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« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2012, 07:48:10 pm »

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« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2012, 07:34:08 pm »

Anything new on a possible Oklahoma hog doggers association?
okie hogger954
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« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2012, 07:49:20 pm »

I would like to meet some of yall that live in western ok iam in elk city till the 21 of the month then head home to southern ok. So if any of yall would like to me with you can message me or call me @ 918 470 5992
bayed hard hog dogs
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« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2012, 12:22:12 am »

Waylan if that association is so good why are all the new laws getting passed. You say there for the dog hunt but i don't see them doing anything to help us. So the next question is why should we as dog hunters give are money to something that is not working. That is why iam for a change. You Have to have game to get things done and that is what iam building this association on where maybe thing will get done. Instead of wasting a working man's money and a sport we enjoy doing and want to protect all sports done with dogs.
                                                                                  God bless us and may god be with us in these journey
This new law that took away our right to retrieve wasnt pointed specifically at dog hunters. It prevents the retrieval of livestock or other animals from private property without landowner permission. That bill was backed by cattlemen. Cattlemen outnumer dog hunters by quite abit. As a landowner I like the bill. 
Don't get me wrong here but you like that bill now just wait tell your cows get out and are down the road on a guy that's a total a$$ hole and won't let you go in there to get your stock, I have already be in to it with a local a$$ hole for trying to go get my dogs he said he was gonna take me to court if he catches me or the dogs in there,  I have permission all the way around the guy to run my dogs and now I can't hunt there or around there for fear thay will bay on him. Will you like this law when your dogs are cut down a hundred ft across the fence and you can't get the owner to let you get them?  Now most people no me and trust me but this one guy has no clue who I am but will not let me get my dog, to me that's one F%&#ed up law. Not trying to fight with you I'm just asking. Will you like the law when the owner tells you that you can't go in there and get your 5500 roping horse or 1200 cow or your best dog?

Keep um bayed hard tell the bulldogs hit Okie style!!!
okie hogger954
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« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2012, 07:39:33 am »

 that is what we are going to do is go and try to stop laws like that from getting passed waylan said there people fighting for dog hunters but where are they.
okie hogger954
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« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2012, 09:38:58 pm »

Hey guy I have meet with some guys from western ok. We are needing some ideals to get this association going and how to get people  involved to help
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« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2012, 09:40:38 am »

Count me in!
okie hogger954
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« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2012, 02:56:19 pm »

hey guy still working need all the help we can get
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« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2012, 04:33:53 pm »

I'm in
okie hogger954
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« Reply #39 on: April 07, 2012, 06:11:16 pm »

hey guys this is not just for the hog doggers this association is for anyone that does dog hunting sports with dogs. we need to be as strong as a association as we can make it. for the future of dog sports hunting. there is a bill right now on the floor they are tring to pass where no one can hunt at night with a hunting light that means no coonhunting either. so we need to get together and stand strong and fight for are rights as hunters. pass the word on to other hunters. thanks
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