i have a brindle pup about 5mnt old and is outta my best dogs, he will bay with another dog in a pen so should start pretty faast when he gets older, 100 for him . i have a .5mtcur .5 walker open on track . i just gave a guy a trial on him and he said that when he cast the dog to a bay he would bay but when the hog busted he only run for about 20 to 45 min. i usually casted the dog to a bay or put him on a track and he ran way longer than that but the guy only hunted him 2 days so never got use to him , im wantin 200 .. txt or call but txt is better at 1979 922 9677 . i live in starks la look it up . i will not drive far if i meet . dnt check
hogdogger79@yahoo.com will be good dogs with hunting . i only hunt long range dogs and they are out of them