i was seeing if there was any interest in some of you guys donating a hunt (with dogs, gun, or bow) for a raffle that's gonna be held for Spinal Cord Injury Research.
A friend of mine was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident late last year and is now in a wheelchair but has a little feeling in his legs. he has a good possibility of recovering his ability to walk. well, this year he held a raffle to raise money for the Spinal Cord Injury Research Center. he sold 500 tickets at $10 a piece.
some sample prizes he had donated from various companies:
he paid for one bow up to $900 the winner got to choose
Martin bow
various archery products, rests, sights, arrows, releases.
various outdoor gear and clothing
one hog hunt with dogs
and various other products (too many for me to remember them all).
i was hoping to be able to line up a few people that would be willing to take a winner and possibly a guest on a dog hunt, a rifle hunt, or a bow hunt for hogs. rules would be set up by the person holding the hunt. limits, lodging, food etc would all be set forth for each individual hunt by the person putting the hunt on. i will also have release of liability/indemnity forms for the person putting on the hunt as a safeguard for you and your generosity. any other paper work you would feel you need i would be glad to have drawn up for you at no cost to you.
if anyone would be interested in donating a hunt for a great cause for next years drawing please gimme a call or shoot me an email.
361-258-1646 (cell # call anytime)