Garmin Astro 320 with map card comes with one dc 40 collar less than two months old -SOLD
Sport dog 800 shocking system,missing anttena on the the hand held, you can buy one for $16 online, Will sell for $150
Also have 7 cut collars five of them are wild boar usa the other two are hard core kennels collars, Also have Four vest , One is wildboarusa med. bat vest, One is wildboarusa small boar bib, One is hard corkennels large the tank catch dog vest and the other is hardcorekennels full med bay vest, Also have three cable leads from wildboarusa and three staple guns, will take $400 for all the cut gear,leads and staple guns. Also have some dogs for sale too that i will be posting in dog trade My e-mail is never check it. im in central texas 979-268-1258 mike