Finally got my lead dog Tiger healed up from a nasty boar we caught a little while back so I decided to take him hunting last night. I met up with Jt and Wyatt and went out to one of Jt's spots north of town. Jt brought his gsp coop, Wyatt brought Rope, a pup, and his cd brute and I loaded Tiger, Cub, and cd Sookie.
We started hunting around 10:00, casted the dogs at a couple tanks with no luck so we roaded them from the last tank to the big wheat and started making our way around wasn't long before Tiger left out to 700 real quick so we killed the truck to listen and sure enough he started hammering down right at 700yds. We drove up to 160yds out and started unloading bulldogs. By this time all the dogs were there and had a solid bay going so we took our time and let them work a little bit beforfe we sent Sookie and Brute from 50 and sealed the deal.
We flipped and tied this big sow and decided to call it a night.
It's sure is nice to have ole Tiger back in action. I know it was good for the younger dogs to catch some swine without him but I sure do love to watch this dog do his thing!