He is outs Jerry curtises queenie gyp and a male dog name sarge never hunted will the daddy but the momma will roll
CentralTex 254
myles i added a new pup to my yard today lol hopfully he will turn out his momma is for sell for 3500
Holy smokes!!!! Does she kill em, clean em and put em on ice for you?  ? Lol not bashing i just can't imagine spending that kinda money, my ol lady would turn me into a barr lol "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland I'd never hear the end of it lol x2
Come and Take It I dont like  talkers
Well Lamar... She has bayed every cat on the place and toted off all my good shoes. Lol Gonna have to lengthen my visits with you partna.  
Sure you didn't give me a Lion Dog Lamar? She has been hammering for the past hour and cracking us up. The initial find  Bayed Solid  Getting a lil nasty  And finally the Tree! Haha. 
Myles i finally got the hyper mutts to be still long enough to get a pic of em. I posted em on the yeller thread....Figured you'd be proud
bayed hard hog dogs
Well looks gamie anyway .... hey Lamar is that a pup out of the rough male u got down there?
Keep um bayed hard tell the bulldogs hit Okie style!!!
Bar W
Nice lookin pup Myles. I don't remember what the breeding on the queeniee dog boarboy spoke of is for sure seems like she come off of ray's dogs, I don't know if she can reproduce herself but she's built right and the times I hunted with her she went and found a hog. I know you gotta have a collar on her when you turn her loose cause she left and we didn't she her again until she was Bayed.