Rl are you are you from austin sure sounds like it. The freedom of speech applies to eveybody not just the lelf wing liberals.If dog people tried to have a huntin dog parade down congress ave thered be protesters comin out of the wood work wheres our rights?
ugh... im gonna have to warm up my egg throwin arm 
Matt H Cleveland, OH
why ya gotta warm the arm up, you trying to reach the pentagon where the idiots decided to open the flood gates to gays?
Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
why ya gotta warm the arm up, you trying to reach the pentagon where the idiots decided to open the flood gates to gays?
not the first time ive thrown eggs at a gay parade 
Matt H Cleveland, OH
CentralTex 254
why ya gotta warm the arm up, you trying to reach the pentagon where the idiots decided to open the flood gates to gays?
not the first time ive thrown eggs at a gay parade  Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahagh  Best thing that's been said right there lol
Come and Take It I dont like  talkers
I dont care wat anyone does in the privacy of their home as long as it aint hurtin kids , animals, or old people, but gay pride parades are about as sick and revolting a display of perversion as you'll ever see, u ever wonder why they aint televised except maybe on cspan, well, it'd scar most folks for life, claw your eyes out trying to get the images out of your brain! It's disgraceful to the uniform and the memory of fallen heroes for the uniform to be on display with all that perversion.