So my ol Buddy Billy Busa been wantin to get together and hunt with me well finally we both found time and we met up at a place of mine in the ol piney woods. I took some young dogs and we got about 20mins in the hunt and dogs struck a lil ol boar hog laid up by himself. Lil ol hog busted and jumped right into the creek and that was the wrong thing to do. Youngs dogs caught em. Killed the hog and my Year old Redtick/Cur Puppy (Reggie) rolled out a lil more than 600yds and bayed. We take off thay way and hooey happens to walk right on top of a cooper head and i had to catch em alive!! Anyways Got to em and all the dogs were bayed solid. We get up to the bay and see this boar hog pushing close to 250lbs. Were bout to turn Bulldogs loose but he broke and took them 0.89miles. Dogs had em bayed in pond but he broke again. Well this went on for almost 4 hrs and two of my red dogs got over heated and it was way past dark now. And so i went ahead and called them in because we had to work in the mornin. Had a hell of a time.

My lil ol Friend I Wrestled!!