I once lost a catchdog for 12hrs short of a full week in the heat of the summer in full cutgear and found him alive and well (with help from some damn good people) literally an hour ago.....all he was missing was about 10-15lbs and my cut collar lol
"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland
I let Baus go without a collar once... I think it was on his 3rd hunt. We were out hunting a new spot, and my Fred dog found and bayed a pretty big boar hog and we sent the Parker APBT pup that Blake used to have in, and I sent Baus in (without a collar)... That boar hog turned and head butted Parker, and then turned and head butted Baus, a direct hit... Parker sat there dased and confused and looked like he almost got knocked out... That boar took off, and all the dogs were on his tail, Baus included. When we saw Fred tree'd almost a mile out, I didn't know what to do... There were pups on the ground, and all I could hope for is that Baus was with them, as that was his first chase. We were almos to Fred, and could hear him hammering down... then as we were walking by a fence and a drop off to a pretty wide river (South Sulphur) the pups come out from under the fence... I guess they had been burnt. They all came out and I was sitting there wondering where Baus was, hoping he didn't try to make it across the river that was moving pretty good, and then he comes out from under that fence. We tied a couple of the pups up, and took Baus and headed to Fred. Ended up getting two smaller hogs instead of the big boy we started after. That was the first and last time I let Baus go without a collar, and I now know that he isn't affraid to go almost a mile to follow the dogs.
AND then not to mention the story that just happened with me and my buddy Baus... LOL! It is what it is I guess.