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Author Topic: Got burnt by a best friend!  (Read 3086 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2012, 10:44:55 pm »

I am starting to wonder if $700 is even worth the controversy.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2012, 10:53:41 pm »

I'm not defending anybody and like I said I don't have a dog in the fight, was'nt there when the deal was made and probably should have kept my nose out of it but I saw a bunch of people making judgements and calling someone a POS without even knowing who you were talking about or hearing his side of the story. You can say that I took sides if you want to but read my first post and you will see that I did'nt. I've heard his side and then I read the same thing that everyone else read that you posted and I did'nt say anything negative about either party. I was just reminding everybody that there is two sides to everything and that it might not be prudent to be so judgemental on the little bit of information that was in your post. I'm out of it as soon as I finish this post and I will call you tomorrow because I believe in being fair and open minded but I still don't think this should be handled on here.

A scared dog dont get no meat !
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2012, 10:55:49 pm »

I don't have a dog in this fight and should probably keep my nose out of it but I know and respect the person he is talking about and so do alot of the other people on this board and I assure you that there IS two sides to this story and if you heard the other side then you might see this deal differently and not call him a POS. I see alot of people jumping on the band wagon without hearing the other side or knowing who he is talking about. I'm not getting in this argument and have nothing against ARhogdogs and have always enjoyed talking dogs with him online. Maybe the other party involved in this deal can keep his cool long enough to tell his side of the story and then everybody can make up their mind instead of pre judging based on one side that was posted on the internet but like my wife says " if it's on facebook then it has to be true ". That's like saying that anything on MSNBC has to be true. I'm not saying that one is right or wrong but I am saying that it should'nt be handled on an open forum website and the side I heard is different than the one that is in this post.

No it was'nt me that called. I'll call you tomorrow.

I have tried and tried calling and resolving this lance. No answer. Only wanna txt. Was that you that called then hung up? Holler at me tomorrow or if that was your number ill call you. I aint ever done nothing to this man but be a good friend. Anyone who knows me knows how much i have respected him in the past.

A scared dog dont get no meat !
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« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2012, 11:04:48 pm »

Just come on out with it. 

something we agree on! Grin

Matt H
Cleveland, OH
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« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2012, 11:16:21 pm »

And again lance if he would have just answered my calls i wouldnt have gotten on here to get his attention. If he doesnt wanna make it right then i think people here that think so highly of him should know,  hey maybe he is just full of crap.
Lacy man
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« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2012, 11:28:00 pm »

What happen to the good ole days when ppl just scratched a lol gravel shook hands after and called it good. Lol
Lacy man
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« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2012, 11:28:37 pm »

What happen to the good ole days when ppl just scratched a lol gravel shook hands after and called it good. Lol
Lil gravel**

Damn autocorrect
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« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2012, 11:35:37 pm »

 Guy must be a pos. Plain and simple. He screwed you on a deal it sounds like. No need to hear both side really. Sounds to me like it was cut and dry.
 Cut your loss. Real friends are hard to find and easy to keep.

    I dont care how "respected" they are on this forum. It all matters how they are respected in LIFE. Everyone is a bad mofo on the www. That is why people say to listen with your eyes. Don't get me wrong there are some people on this site that are 100% dog people and have a good line of dogs. Then there are the guys who talk the talk but have yet learned to walk. Easy to read through the bs if you try.

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off match.com"
Hog Doom
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« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2012, 12:41:30 am »

Well let me make no bones about it the man he is talking about is me .

Lets get all of this straight here .  I have been dealing with all of this for a long long time now. I have had enuff and am done.  I have tried every way in the world to help this man out because I did liked the guy .  I have went out of my way and then back in my way to help him.  This man wanted to have some good dogs so he decides he wants to breed his on because he cannot find anything that is worth a crap .  So with me liking this guy and selling him a good dog before and he ended up selling it to get in this bind he is now in with no dogs worth a crap and I might mention a dog that he found over 150 hogs are so in one year I  dont remember the true number he said .  I sold him this dog cheap like 600  700 I think and he sells for over 1500 a little later but that dosent matter to me his dog his deal just saying .

Anyway , back to the story .     I say well I will help him out and decided to sell him my old Deets dog which is the brother to Cole McVeays Lanky dog and also let him get the Lil Ann gyp who was my prize find dog for years and also a liter sister to the famous C.O dog that most of all of you know about here on this board .  Now I do this for a used garmin and two collars and 500 bucks with me knowing good and well these two dogs alone are worth a ton and I do say a ton more in cash just as brood dogs because there is none of these dogs out in the public hands but am trying to help this guy and I just didnt really need them no more , had all I needed and rather than me keeping them doing noting with them it could help him get started right .  Mistake mistake mistake !

Well he comes and gets them and he is as happy as a puppy with two peters for about five six months waiting on Ann to come into heat were he can breed her and get his liter of dogs .  Ok now while he is here I take him hunting and he sees my Whitey dog hunt and just falls in love with her saying he has not ever seen a dog that would just flat number 2 and get like she does and just rants and raves about her on and on and on.

Ok now that I got that part in there here we go.

He takes Deets and Lil Ann back with him  like I said happy as a puppy with two peters.

But all the sudden  he starts to saying well Jim I need a dog now I dont know if I can wait all this time on breeding her and raising the pups and then waiting on them to mature  I didnt realize really how much all this takes.  Well we go back and fourth now.

Well I get to thinking about it and in the mean time my Whitey gyp had just got me my first truespassing ticket and is just way way long range and a great damn gyp and with all that said hell I would not mind having my two old brood dogs back so I say well hell man just come and get Whitey and you will have what you want hell I can breed some more because I have the daddy and mom.

Well he flys up here and picks her up bringing Deets and Ann back home .  I tell him that Whitey is a shy bitch it might take some time but he has hunted with her he seen excatly what she can do and her wanted her bad hell you can see that he makes a speical trip up here to get her and bring the others back.  So he takes her back and has her for over six seven months and about the two month mark starts to tell me this gyp wont do a dang thing wont hunt wont finish a track wont do this wont do that ,  Good lord man this goes on and on and on .   Now he hunted with this dog seen her before he ever come and got her  and then makes a speical trip from Ark to come get her all of this number 2 plus the dog has many many witnesses to tell you just what kind of a great dog she is . Now I have no ideal what he has done to this dog during this time  I have no ideal of anything she has been threw since she has been with him none of this ,  all I know is what kind of dog she was when he picked her up and others on this board also know that have seen her.  

Now here we go again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Jim she wont do this she aint done that and goes on and on with me and all my buddys that know the dog we are all scratching our heads thinking what the hell is wrong with this guy.

Well it goes on and on and am thinking what the hell man good lord .  So finally I say well bring her back damn man all I can do is give you some of these pups and try to make it right with you not to mention now am worried as hell that am getting back a screw up dog when she was a top notch finished find dog when she left here.

So now .

He brings her back .  Am gonna tell you just how it goes now with this dog.  He brings her back I take her out of his box and put her directly into my dog trailer .  Now I dont know if this bitch is screwed up I dont know what she is going to do if she is ever even going to hunt again and yeah am worried about it .  

So now I have pups off my Horn dog x Penny so I try to make it right and I give him four of these pups I say take your choice he picks him out four pups now people these are my personal dogs not junk bred bull number 2 .  Pickem out I say so he does and at this same time I have my blue lacy gyp Dee pups on the ground that I sell for 400  450 apeice to hunters and good dog people.  What do I do I walk over to the pen and pick the pick of the liter out of these Reg Blue Lacys and hand it to him saying here man take this dog he is my pick of the liter .  So he does and now am thinking we are square on all of this BS .  Even my wife ask him if everything is good and he says yeah before he leaves .  So he takes off again happy as a puppy with two peters !!!!!!!!
Now then this me finding him a good started dog all this bullnumber 2 started after I guess he decideds he aint got enuff .

Now my good people .

I have done sent him with my old Deets dog , My Lil Ann gyp two of the best damn dogs  around here just ask Shane Mcveay and others but to him not good nuff ,  brings them back then I send him with my Whitey gyp my best find dog gyp on the yard which I have been offered 3000  bucks for again not good nuff as a matter of fact he watched a man offer me 3000 bucks for her while he was here hunting with her.  Thats not all folks now to add to all of this after he brings all these dogs back I end up giving him

Not one not two not three but Four of my Horn x Penny pups his picks take the ones you want  and throw in a damn Reg Blue Lacy pup my pick of the liter which I sell for 400 to 450 depends on who it is .

I have bent over backwards to help this guy out because I liked the guy and am sure he is a good guy but Am here to tell each and every one of you this ole boy aint bending no more its over its done nota forget it am threw.

There has been more than a hand full of people on this board that has gotton good dogs from me and all of the dogs I have sold are even given away have been just what I told the people .

The Penny gyp  to Kelton,   The Briar Dog to the man down south , The Steve and Mojo dog to the game warrden in Lousiana,  The Camo and Sis dog the Sis dog got killed the Camo dog is in Lousiana some were said to be a great one , this is just a few and some bulldogs to a few people .  I have never had a complaint because the dogs are just what I say they are.

I have never been out to screw a sole when it comes to dogs because I know what it feels like and I know how hard it is to get your hands on some damn fine dogs.  I myself have been screwed and tattoed when it comes to dogs when I first started out over 30 yrs ago in the bulldog business.

So there you go folks .  All I can say is am done finished and this is over with .  I will not bend again and I have done all am going to do on this matter.   I have not and I will not anwser my phone again to this man I have noting else to say its all been said .  

One other thing I might mention here,  now yall listen to this now.  Remember I said I took my Whitey dog out of his box put her in my trailer .  Well this bitch stayed in this trailer for two days I never took her out watered and fed her in this trailer .  Well me and some others buddys decided we were gonna take her out for a hunt so now she is still in the trailer from when I put her in there we load the other dogs get to the place put the collar on her turn her loose the bitch took off now am thinking the is proably ruinned  but she  was gone gone gone never looked back and inside of 30 mins she was at the river and had 10 15 hogs bayed in a group by herself .  The bitch has never missed a lick .

I dont know what else to tell you dude other than you might need some dog training yourself.

This is my first and last post on this subject I will not get into a brawl on Mikes board.



The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
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« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2012, 01:12:48 am »

I have hunted with TexasHogDogs for several years and I have not seen him do a guy wrong at all. I was there the day that ARhogdogs came and hunt with Whitey and love that dog alot.  ARhogdogs talked about how good of a dog she is and said that is the kind of dog that he is looking for.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2012, 05:51:49 am »

 Sounds like yall need to take this as a lesson learned and leave it alone before it escalates into something no one wants to deal with. Im a firm believer in karma, what comes around goes around. It will come back to whoever is wrong in the end.

hunt em hard, give em no excuses, and cull harder!!!!!
"Rather have a sister in a whore house than spots on a dog"
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« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2012, 07:34:23 am »

A serving of crow anyone?

"Let's talk some philosophy"
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2012, 08:06:05 am »

Serves you right for putting that blood out there like that!(haha) Not just anybody can hunt that bloodline if dogs, they are well known for being shy and only hunting for experienced dog men!!;) Next time you decide to place out Deets and Lil Ann call Cole, Alan, or me please sir.

I'm not butting into anybody's business but if what Jim says is half true then you got a hell of a deal and should have stopped with the first trade. I hunted Lil Ann and Lanky and owned pups off of Lanky and they were nice dogs to hunt behind.

Jim, PM about Deets and Lil Ann if you are thinking of placing them somewhere. I got some of the same blood to trade out for a nice outcross and improvement on the line ( Hopefully)


"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."
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« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2012, 08:25:40 am »

Well i dont have all day to sit here and type to point out all the lies you just told jim! You try to make me look like i cant handle dogs. I took one of your culls and made her top notch. And you and your wife know darn well that nobody said we are even. You are sorry.

The only reason you wanted to send me whitey was lanky died. You needed deets. You also said man its crazy when you got her back that "she is just a one owner dog" we joked about it! The day i got the pups. we settled on $500 cash for 4you pups then as i went to leave you said here man take one of these. I didnt want no lacy but you insisted. You gave him to me. You sit there at your home and type all this twisting the truth, THE GOOD LORD KNOWS THE TRUTH AND YOU ARE WRONG IN EVERY WAY FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Plain and simple. You have stole from me and mine and now tou getting all your buddies to help make it look like you are a good guy.
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« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2012, 08:25:58 am »

if i could collect on what ppl owe  me i could retire

X 10,000,000,000,000

Don't tread on me.
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« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2012, 08:29:15 am »

And of course jim you are still too chicken s*** to answer your phone
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« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2012, 08:32:24 am »

Well, here we go again with the bad dog deals... ( in my best mountain man voice )  Grin
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« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2012, 08:39:02 am »

Y'all have said your peace.....take the rest up in private!!!!

Bryant Mcdonald
New Caney, Tx.

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