Right before the hunt we put the pups in the bay pen to get alittle work on a good size pig, after that we loaded up the older dogs with one pup (holly). Off we went to a huge costal field with one pond in the middle of it with sign all around it we hunted it for about 2 hours and nothing. Pick up and went to my buddies honey hole, we snuck in where the trail rider been seeing hogs. dogs were hunting good but coming up with nothing hunted a solid 2 hours getting bored so we decided to go on the other side of the ranch on our way back though Melba,bug,lea open up 100 yards right on a tank dam hammering down so we drop the rough dogs 2 them and headed in. Maylee's lil brother (a newbie) to the sport got in on the action and stab his first pig. Good fun hunt with family and 2 buddies.
Justin maylee lil brother.
Justin and maylee