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Author Topic: What do yall think of this?  (Read 919 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: January 30, 2013, 04:23:31 pm »

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens”
Shock claim purported to come from “one of America ’s foremost military heroes”
Paul Joseph Watson
January 22, 2013
2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens.
Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder of The Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from “gendercide” in China . Garrow has been personally involved in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death.” He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing.
“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” Garrow wrote on his Facebook page, later following up the post by adding the man who told him is, “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” whose goal in divulging the information was to “sound the alarm.”
Garrow’s claim is even more explosive given that the country is in the throes of a national debate about gun control, with gun rights advocates keen to insist that the founders put the second amendment in the Constitution primarily as a defense against government tyranny.
It also follows reports on Sunday that General James Mattis, head of the United States Central Command, “is being told to vacate his office several months earlier than planned.”
Concerns over US troops being given orders to fire on American citizens in the event of mass gun confiscation first arose in 1995 when hundreds of Marines at 29 Palms, California were given a survey as part of an academic project by Navy Lieutenant Commander Ernest Guy Cunningham which asked the Marines if they would, “Fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”
The survey was subsequently leaked because many of the Marines who took it were shocked by the tone of the question.
The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens.
In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” (PDF) dating from 2006. Similar plans were also outlined in an updated manual released in 2010 entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.
The 2006 document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”
Given that second amendment advocates are now being depicted as dangerous terrorists by the federal government and local law enforcement, Garrow’s claim is sure to stoke controversy given that Americans are seeing their gun rights eviscerated while the federal government itself stockpiles billions of bullets.
Last week, Gloversville Mayor Dayton King warned that any federal gun confiscation program could lead to a “Waco-style standoff” in rural areas of America .
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
just got this in an email and wondering if i need to go ahead and add a gun rack behind the backseat of my truck whenever s**t hits the fan.

TDHA member as of 02/02/12
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 05:04:54 pm »

yep it would be advised, cant afford to stock up at REDICULUS,GOUGED prices so when the SHTF ,will fire all i have and make rounds pickin up for free.
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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 05:28:37 pm »

Wont b no stand off at my house, 1 lower abdomen shot will b below protective armor, it will paralyze, sterilize n make 1 target into 3 when they r being carried off the battle field. Who cares bout the ban, IF the gov sends troops or even local LEOs to confiscate, there will b pleanty of discarded, lost or droped weapons n ammo from those who were sworn to protect n defend OUR rights. I wont loose a min of sleep if i hav to drop the hammer on those who come to steal my rights from my house.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 08:08:00 pm »

Wont b no stand off at my house, 1 lower abdomen shot will b below protective armor, it will paralyze, sterilize n make 1 target into 3 when they r being carried off the battle field. Who cares bout the ban, IF the gov sends troops or even local LEOs to confiscate, there will b pleanty of discarded, lost or droped weapons n ammo from those who were sworn to protect n defend OUR rights. I wont loose a min of sleep if i hav to drop the hammer on those who come to steal my rights from my house.

Catch Dog
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« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2013, 08:53:29 pm »

100% agree Charles

TDHA member as of 02/02/12
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« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2013, 09:10:32 pm »

Don't believe everything that is sent in an email.   

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off"
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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2013, 09:30:54 pm »

Don't believe everything that is sent in an email.   

This comin from some1 who has nvr servered. Dont sit there with blinders on and think this current government is all tulips and roses and wouldnt cause harm to US citizens.

In 08, after my sec tour in iraq n with in the first 6mths of super chimp holding office. Myself and 5 other NCOs were asked the exact question of "would we carry out the order to remove pvt weapons and if need be, fire on US cotizens" by my CO as directed by and in the presence of my COL (that would be the rank of colnel aka: a full bird). My comment back then was almost identical as my comment today.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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