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Author Topic: Two Red Pups - 10 months old  (Read 578 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: March 04, 2013, 11:19:16 am »

Brother/Sister Pair

Got them from Pittsburgh at 6 weeks old. Guy said they were 1/2 Cat 1/2 Cur...something like that. I BELIEVE...they may have something else in there...maybe 1/4 Australian Shepherd.

Regardless...at 12-14 weeks I was happy with what I saw in a pen...hamming a shoat...and ended up caught. I have been looking to put some nutt grabbing power into my yard and after seeing them in the pen I thought these two would help out.

At 8 months I put them on a 75lb boar. They caught together...then caught sepperately.

I have taken both to the woods...the male more than the female so Ill start with him.

He runs with my Jasper pup real well...hangs with him pretty much step for step. If he gets sepperated he will come back to me...when Jasper shows back up he will go back out again. He and Jasper caught a little shoat a couple weeks ago. He will try to catch anything under 75lbs....with or without help. He has never been on anything over 75lbs, woods or pen. He is only 10 months and he's never been in a lead role so I couldn't say what he would do solo or hunted with his sister alone or another real young dog.

The gyp pup I've only taken to the woods twice...both times with her brother and my Jasper pup. She ran with them real well...hung step for step but hasn't been on a pig in the woods. I feel the same way about her as far as her gritt...she's gonna be rough I think.

I've been on the fence with these two for the past few weeks...just trying to decide whether I wanted dogs that were gonna turn out...like I THINK they are. ROUGH.

I just bred my Jasper pup to my Cat cross gyp and I know Ill get some pups out of that cross that Ill keep. So...these two are on the market. I've got pics but I havnt been able to get them to show up on photobuckett. Ill message or e-mail them untill I can get them uploaded.

They are both 40-45 lbs right now. Red, fur thicker than most Cat/Curs. Male is thick...stocky...that's where I see the Aust. Shepherd. Female looks more the Cat/Cur type.

I paid $75 a piece for them. I'll take $100 each now. If I don't move them...I'll hunt them.

Female in Front....male in back



Bump....taking them out Saturday Morning for a hunt.

Kevin Nevil
Burleson, Texas
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 02:08:32 pm by KevinN » Logged

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