Fun times!! Cool part was we only had 4 hogs caught by 11:45. The dogs were tired and still rolled through the heat of the day until about 4 pm. Wish we could have caught the big ones we had bayed towards the end of the day. Good hunt though. 4 new Barrs hit the woods as well
Me Chance and the Amish Country Coppers had 3 good sows caught yesterday by 10 or so But OLD MAN Ward had done had enough and wanted to go eat bacon cheeseburgers!!!! Lol
Well, that and we had a bit of a spray paint can "malfunction" in the bed of a brand spanking new borrowed ranger! Chances buddy from pencil vanya got a bit of the hilarity on video!!!
Yall hunting this coming Saturday Tony?
Haha that's funny!
Idk t-bob. I have the CrossFit open workouts every week right now & a boy just quit at work. My schedule is screwed
Heck, it's alright Tony, I'll just come get them dogs of yours and quit my job.