Thought this was a good story.. I had this picture on my phone and just got it on photobucket....... Well me and Travis ( coonasscur) have been hunting alot together here lately. Well as most people that hunt togeter usally swap spots if they have there own well we had been hunting serveral of my spots and Travis deer lease cut them off from doggin may 1st.... So he called the day before and said lets go to my lease one last time which was may 1st. Well his lease joins my 100 acre that I live on..... He says let just leave from your house and we will cut through your place and go hunt......So we did through all the dogs on the fourwheelers and started to the back well my Ike dog kept jumping off the fourwheeler and I said let him just run then........ He went to the corner of my place and set down and went to baying we caught 5 hogs 2 were really good boer hogs 2 sows and a boer choate.....This is whats funny about this ...we never got off my place... We had a good hunt and cut three boer hogs but THAT DID NOT COUNT AS HIS HUNTING HOLE IF IT WAS ON MY PLACE!!!!!!! I did manage to get a picture of the pretty boy Travis and one of those five hogs we caught that day!!LOL