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Author Topic: Beautiful Country With New Friends  (Read 870 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: September 21, 2013, 05:05:06 pm »

Been talking with "ChanceandAnita" last couple of weeks. They have a similar hunting style as me and I really enjoy their stories and Pics.

Anyway, they were looking for a couple shoats and I was able to help them out but I told them they had to take a pup as we'll , lol. I twisted their arm a little but I think they like her ok. Think she may fit in with their pack one day.

We'll they were kind enough to invite me out to hunt and my regular partner is out of town so I was more than happy to come out. I tell you what..... It is some beautiful country out there...

Having pigs around is just a bonus , lol.

I met them at their place at 5am and we loaded up . The property was only a few miles down the road so it didn't take long till we had dogs on the ground. They brought Spot, Yella and Birdy for hunting dogs. Their main dog Creeksus. (S?) is out with a cut. They also had CD's Rico and Diesel . I brought Jasper, hound pup Preacher and CD Emmett.

We started out "up top" but never really got anything going. There was some sign the dogs got piggy on but never lined anything out. They ended up bumping a deer but that's about it. We headed down to the river.

We went east and checked a feeder. The dogs were working the spot pretty well and it wasn't long before Jasper opened up about 75 out and all the dogs flew to him (even my hound pup) The bay was real short...the hog broke and ran by ....we saw it was a spotted pig....medium size.....the dogs were right on his tail. We'll he tried to cross the river and just barely made it out the other side before the dogs shut him down. They had him pinned up against the far bank....he wasn't going anywhere. Along with all the other dogs, Preacher the hound pup was going to town. We were out about 200 and his big 'ol bawl mouth sounded great, lol. I'm not gonna say I'm a converted hound man now but I sure don't mind having him around, lol. Just think....he was listed on the dog trade a week or two ago. ; )

We walked down to the river and let the CD's go. They crossed and it was a done deal.

Pretty spotted boar about 130-140 probably. Hobbled him and while Anita went back for the 4 wheeler I let Preacher give him a sermon....haha

The rest of the hunt was uneventful. Just confirmed what I already knew....I'm way outa shape. Haven't walk hunted in a few months and I could tell!! Dang you can get spoiled to roading.

I had a really great time In some beautiful country with some good folk....thanks Chance....Thanks Anita

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Catch Dog
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« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2013, 05:52:27 pm »

Ur welcome, and we have other places to hit when u get ready. Sorry we only turned up one from all those pig signs. If we would have had that rino we could have covered so much more, and maybe more pigs lol. U will be cursing me in a day or two when the soreness sets in Smiley  love ur dogs and tell mama her preacher was echoing off all those cliffs, my land owners came to check us out , they heard the dogs seen the pig cross the river and then the dogs nailing him.. Let u know what he weights when we take him to the buyer tomorrow.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2013, 06:44:14 pm »

Sounds great Anita.... I could do some more hunting out that way....for sure!

"Let's talk some philosophy"
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 09:31:55 pm »

Weighed in 167 pounds , not bad!
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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 05:10:38 am »

Nice pic good hog !
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« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 07:15:02 am »

Sounds like a great hunt, and beautiful pictures!

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« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 07:59:37 am »

Sweet pic of jasper and good hog. 
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