« on: October 04, 2013, 06:47:50 am » |
Any of y'all prison guards? Whats the starting pay? Pros and cons?
hunt em hard, give em no excuses, and cull harder!!!!! "Rather have a sister in a whore house than spots on a dog" "Pretty is as pretty does"- BigO
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 09:02:52 am » |
To clarify, I am not a prison guard. When i got out of the Marines, it was one of my options for employment and this is the conclusion I came to. TDCJ does not pay near enough for the job being performed. Layoffs/time off for disciplinary reasons is more common than I was comfortable with. I checked into the Federal prison guard jobs and it seems like a much better option. Better pay and benefits, not near as dangerous enviroment, and more professional setting. It is a more strenuous screening process, but seems to be worth it in the long run. Like I said, none of this is first hand experience, just the conclusion I came to when researching.
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 09:15:45 am » |
lol well I was on the other end of the prison guard spectrum . [ I was being guarded ] and what ever they paid was too much in my opinion . there were more CRACKHEADS guarding than there were crackheads locked up . there were some good guards that I met but this was a job they took to support the farm . way too many guards were caught smuggeling tobacco and drugs into the system and theft from each other ran rampet according to the ones I talked to . but if you want to get paid tax money to do NOTHING for the most part it would be the place to be . the general consensus from the majority was it was a last ditch effort for employment do to the lack of jobs within driving distance of their homes .
hattak at ofi piso
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 10:54:29 am » |
Ben, come sit down and talk to Jan. Good pay, insurance, retirement,vacations, sick days, and job security due to the never ending supply of people that break the law. Plus, four on and four off aint bad for a hunter.
The older I get, the better I was. If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between a dog and a man. Mark Twain
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2013, 11:25:23 am » |
Workin for tdcj is definitely not for everybody. I've worked at two prisons.. the first had lots of dirty officers (ones that smuggle in tobaco to inmates) the one I work at now not very many. There are days that are easier where it aint much to do but its also alot more goes on than you could realize. There are plenty of tards that work for the system but there are plenty of good people as well. To me the pay is not near enough the bs that you have to put up with. Main thing I like about it is four on four off.
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2013, 11:48:14 am » |
Well either way I'm pursuing it. I've passed the test now waiting on some disposition papers from my younger he'll raising years before they send my app on through.
hunt em hard, give em no excuses, and cull harder!!!!! "Rather have a sister in a whore house than spots on a dog" "Pretty is as pretty does"- BigO
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2013, 11:50:02 am » |
Do you know what unit you would be going to ?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2013, 12:42:39 pm » |
I put in for either Michael or coffield unit.
hunt em hard, give em no excuses, and cull harder!!!!! "Rather have a sister in a whore house than spots on a dog" "Pretty is as pretty does"- BigO
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2013, 09:08:26 pm » |
Ive been at ferguson for almost a year now, like what was said pay aint the greatest but it pays the bills most months gettin paid once a month is hard to get used to. Benefits aint near as good as what they used to be (my dad was with the state before when they had blue cross blue shield) retirement plan changed in septmber. Alot of bs to put up with from other officers and inmates. If your strong minded at all youll end up doin more work than other officers for the same pay, today for instance did nothin but moves then was told to suit up for a move team where they used 30 oz of gas. Im still burnin from that $h!t and that happened at 1400. Still gettin the same check as officers that sat in a picket all day. Thats the cons imo. The pros is like what was said the 4 on 4 off units. You essentially only work 16 days out if the month. Paid time off as you earn it and theres days where there aint much goin on. Plenty if room to move up and make a career out of it. Good luck it aint for everyone
Country boy can survive
Tusk Hog
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2013, 09:37:58 am » |
Not a bad job if you don't mind working for an employer that breaks every federal employment law on the books. Not to mention being belittled by every one with alittle rank. Oh, and you will also work with some of the laziest excuses for workers anywhere. One of the up sides is that you will meet some of the most resource people alive. Lots of true talent being thrown away. Don't ever think that an inmate is dumb, because he will be smarter than you. He just fooled you. But in all serious, if the area you live in doesn't have any other jobs. You can survive on the pay, the works not hard, and the worse part of the job will be tolerating the idiots you will be working with. TDJC has a saying about dealing with the offenders: be fair, firm, and consistent. Great ideal, seldom followed. But if you follow it you will have few problems with the offenders. Working for TDCJ allows me to live in on the family farm, and to hunt most weekends. Before, it I was on the road over 6 months out of the year, and missing my daughter going up.