Me and dogginstud & our buddy Clint made a quick run yesterday evening and took some young dogs to get them some woods experience. We walk hunted pretty much the whole place without seeing any fresh sign or hearing a bark. We were walking across a haygrazer field loaded with cows when all of the sudden 2 dogs shot out and left. We were standing out in the middle when we thought we could hear pigs. Finally a dog opened up and ran the pigs right by us. I chased the group and put my light on the biggest pig and Bo's Willie dog took hot pursuit of the pig I had my light on. He stopped him about 50 yards later on the other side of the road on the edge of some woods. He started baying with no help in sight as the dogs were scattered. Finally some other dogs joined in and Bo & Clint cut the cd's.... Caught hog! I legged him, flipped him, and we hobbled him. Took him straight to the buyer. He weighed 165 and brought $57. Not bad for a little easy money!
Clint & Dogginstud

Clint & me

