My friend has been wanting to take his son out for his first hog dog hunt so I had him bring him along today. I took my friend on his first hog dog hunt around 5yrs ago so it was now his little mans time.
I brought Gator and Clyde and my buddy brought his dog he got from me 4yrs ago, Chase. Chase is basically a catchdog. She stays with you till you get to the hog and the action then she will go in and catch. We cut the dogs lose at 6:30 and hunted for about 20min when Gator was bayed 300yds away. We headed towards the bay and when we got about 60yds out Chase went to Gator and they caught out on a toad of a sow!! I went to put Clyde on a tree while my buddy went to the dogs. He yelled for me to keep his son with me till he could get his hands on the hog and throw it. He tried to throw the hog 4x and she kept standing up before he could get on top of her. Clyde did not want to be leashed to a tree when he could hear and smell the hog so I took a minute or 2 to get to him and give him a hand getting the hog down. I had his son follow me in when I went to help him, and his sons eyes were like saucers when he saw the hog.
We hobbled her up, got the dogs tied off on trees and took some pictures. My buddies son said that this was way more fun then sitting in a treestand hunting with his dad!! This litlle guy walked over 4miles through flooded swamps and never complained even when we were throwing him across flooded areas and creeks that were to deep to wade across!! Another good hunt, and another hog dogger is born!! Nothing funnier then taking someone for their first hunt and watching the look in their eyes when the action happens. He also was really liking my catchdog Clyde. Everytime we stopped or when Clyde was on the tree my buddies son was petting and talking with Clyde!!