« Reply #80 on: August 21, 2009, 11:17:58 pm » |
Very true, TBL. It sounds like some one with experience needs to offer to help make some regulations.
« Reply #81 on: August 22, 2009, 09:43:43 am » |
Deep down in my gut, I feel nothing will get changed. Someone has always got to complain about something because they are not having success and cannot blame it on themselves. Not seeing any deer so lets blame the hog doggers!!
I lived in Dodge and Huntsville from the mid 80's to the mid 90's and I knew where hogs were in a couple of areas of Natl Forest there most anytime. I had been talking to Zach about going there once we had some working dogs put together.
Maybe the gods of the hunt will smile and things will get changed back.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
Silverton Boar Dogs
« Reply #82 on: August 22, 2009, 10:21:08 pm » |
Ok folks, I am working on my letters for the men that are incharge at SHNF. All of you that have spoken to some one down there please PM me the name and contact info. I will pick through all the posts.
I will have some work for ya'll next week so be ready.
Thanks for all the help, Paul T
« Reply #83 on: August 23, 2009, 10:04:29 am » |
i posted a couple threads on Texas Bowhunter. we'll see if they stay up. i doubt it but we'll see.
« Reply #84 on: August 23, 2009, 11:39:15 am » |
i posted a couple threads on Texas Bowhunter. we'll see if they stay up. i doubt it but we'll see.
Go back and read the response from the guy in Coldspring. All it takes is a couple of stories like that and the doggers can completely forget it. True or not. And that one is probably true, sad to say.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #85 on: August 23, 2009, 11:46:20 am » |
I have been watching but there have been no responses to the thread, where are you seeing that Bobby?
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
« Reply #86 on: August 23, 2009, 11:50:10 am » |
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #87 on: August 23, 2009, 11:51:13 am » |
Bobby, I just read the post... those people are "outlaws" and should not be labled as dog hunters. We shouldn't be punished for what they do, law enforcement should handle them accordingly.
Look at all the other outlaws that shoot deer off the roads and spotlight deer... they're not going to shut down deer season.
« Reply #88 on: August 23, 2009, 12:02:09 pm » |
Bobby, I just read the post... those people are "outlaws" and should not be labled as dog hunters. We shouldn't be punished for what they do, law enforcement should handle them accordingly.
Look at all the other outlaws that shoot deer off the roads and spotlight deer... they're not going to shut down deer season.
Hey I agree. But if just 4 or 5 guys tell stories like that to the officials at TP&W, what do you think is going to happen?? As in all hunting and fishing type recreation, we need to police our own ranks. Even if it means pissing off and old buddy. That or forget hunting public lands. This is all a crock of political BS and we know it. I mean if doggers kill say only 100 hogs a year, isnt that 100 more that are not running loose? Ad in the bow hunters and gun hunters and and get the yearly total. But the politicos in Austin cant see it that way. Me and you see 100 less hogs. They see 2 upset bowhunters.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #89 on: August 23, 2009, 12:17:14 pm » |
Same topic but a different slant. I sat down with my booklet yesterday looking page by page. SHNF.. no dogs as we know. White Oak ...dogs allowed.
The rules under legal hog hunting in the back of the booklet says no dogs allowed except White Oak, but page by page, JD Murphee Big Hill Unit and the Salt Bayou unit says dogs allowed.
So which is correct?
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #90 on: August 23, 2009, 12:29:27 pm » |
I know it's all political b.s., but the sad part is... they're still going to have the same problems with the outlaws, then what?
The rule book has those typos every year, i'd go by the info on each individual unit's map.
« Reply #91 on: August 23, 2009, 12:35:48 pm » |
ITs the same problem... the govt wont enforce the laws on the books so they make a bigger, broader law hoping it take care of the problem. Of coarse it doesn't... and good people lose out.
People need to start filing lawsuits saying if law officials can't use racial profiling and such... how can they profile certain groups of hunters?
« Reply #92 on: August 23, 2009, 12:48:24 pm » |
Well it's a lot harder to get TP&W to reverse themselves, altho it can be done. But it will take an organized and Polite show of strength and a lot of luck. here's hoping.
How many new guys have signed up for TDHA? I'm going to sign Zach up this week.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #93 on: August 23, 2009, 01:38:27 pm » |
i don't know if you guys browse through any of the larger hunting sites like archerytalk or bowsite but it's always the same thing. if it doesn't effect them, who cares. they're quick to point out when a guy shoots a deer or other animal out of season he's not a bowhunter but a POACHER, which he is, but the minute a guy cuts a fence to go after his dogs he's a doghunter, not a trespassing law breaker. ALWAYS A DOUBLE STANDARD. i don't doubt the 2 guys that had problems one bit. i've got a guy down the road that causes problems in my neck of the woods. i've reported him several times and he's still at it. Until they up the penalty for breaking the laws it's not going to deter the lawbreakers in this sport. I wish people would realize that the same guy that's gonna turn his dogs out on property he doesn't have permission is the same guy that's gonna shoot a deer out of season or at night. the same guy that'll shoot more than his bag limit per season, etc...
« Reply #94 on: August 23, 2009, 02:26:31 pm » |
Part of the problem is a lot of the newer guys have no idea what went on in years past just to keep archery season intact for them to enjoy today. I was on the LSBA council for a long stretch in the 80's. TP&W wanted input on having the special youth gun deer weekend the last weekend of archery season. One guy started whining that he hunted Ft Hood and sometimes there would be a cool front at that time and he didnt want to miss out because kids were rifle hunting then. I told him and the rest then, that we had better work together and get along. When any group starts trying to cut out the kids it makes them look uncaring and selfish.
Its the same with the NRA. Let the antis take assault rifles and that is the first step. A lot of people dont not understand that and it appears the guys on TBH dont get it either.
But saying if the bowhunters alone cant control the hogs means paid animal control agents get the next crack is just absurd. I would like to know who made that decision.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #95 on: August 23, 2009, 04:03:44 pm » |
Guys, every time that we post like this, even if it can sound discouraging, something good happens.
I was just provided with some additional information as a direct result of the post in question..... I guess that I was trusted with it because I am a long standing (10 years), outspoken member of that board.
Silverton, I need you to call me. 512-nine two five-6412 If I don't answer there, call me at 512-eight nine four-0292.
« Reply #96 on: August 23, 2009, 05:33:37 pm » |
well, i hope something does come from it. i don't personally hunt in that neck of the woods but it's still wrong to strip rights from people that do. it just re-affirms the fact we really need to start policing our own. It doesn't matter if it's a long time friend or a next door neighbor. It's definitely gone too far, when it seems like every where you turn all you're gettin is negative reports from outside sources.
« Reply #97 on: August 24, 2009, 06:47:32 am » |
Well, as for the TDHA, let's call it the "step it up recruite campaigne", I plan to reg my 2 sons to help boost the general membership. My challenge is for everyone to do the same. We also plan on donating an NALC catahoula puppy as well as a couple of bags of feed that were donated to the TDHA. The details will be ironed out with the TDHA BOD folks......We would like someone to donate a dog house, single dog box, a lead, a collar, and cut gear where this is a total package deal... and if any other TDHA memebers have something along those lines to donate to this drive it would be greatly appreciated... folks lets all reach down deep and let make this a Great campaigne, this is all of our fight to save our rights TDHA BOD folks get in touch with me and lets make this happen ASAP. Dexter & Lynne
Silverton Boar Dogs
« Reply #98 on: August 24, 2009, 11:55:10 am » |
Things are coming along well with this so far. The TDHA has a committie working on this issue.
We have gathered a large amout of information on what went on down there and what seems to be there long term goals.
The changing of the rules was not handled correctly and it appears that the powers that be have an agenda for how they want to handle hogs in the Forest.
I need all of you to continue working and gathering information on this issue.
We have a good shot at changing this.....its not going to happen real fast, so don't get board. I can't post everything that we know, but I can say that we have some bullets for our gun and we know what the target is.
KEEP working.......
Thanks,Paul T