4 year old 3/4 APBT 1/4 Catahoula RCD $200
Picked this dog up when he was 10 weeks.
Raised him up/started him. I used him as a lead in for about 3 years but now he usually sits at home. I don't run RCD's but I always thought he would make one so I tried him out a couple weeks ago. He did everything a RCD should do. He'll just need a few weeks/hunts to get his lungs but I think he'll make a heck of a RCD. I would not run him as a lone RCD unless you have rough hunting dogs that will back him up. No dog/human aggression. He may be a little Leary first few days till he figures out your the new one feeding him. But he's a heck of a good dog around the yard and has an easy handle.
Kevin Nevil
Burleson, Texas (just south of Fort Worth)
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