I don't know about everyone else but I am not happy with the way our country is running things
Just wait till the next election and get out there and vote!!! Im being a smart a$$. Voting aint gonna help, and yes, im with u. Im plum fed up with the way the government is ruining this once great country. BUT, there aint enough people left to make a stand, at least untill this country goes bancrupt and the handouts dry up.
From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Unfortunately, America is anerexic (sp) on patriots, and grossly over weight on tyrants, and hell, lets throw in the people waiting on a handout.
Hang around awhile r supper educated no good for nothing president will make him get insurance. Lol
Naw, he wont be made, he will just be given free health care. At the cost of yours, mine, and every other tax payer.