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Author Topic: javelina  (Read 1367 times)
Strike Dog
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« on: March 26, 2008, 07:52:05 pm »

Has anyone ever hunted javelina with dogs?  I heard that you cant really leg'em because they can bite their own a@#.  Or does anyone hunt around javelina? Will a dog hunt them the same?  Can you train a dog not to go after them?  I just curious.  Any stories would be cool too.
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 08:15:52 pm »

We hunt around them all the time. Its trash. IF the dogs know their job they won't mess with them, not the same scent as a hog. On occasion they will cross paths then you just hope for the best.

I had a buddy kill one with a one of those MAG Lights that holds like 9-D batteries. Grin
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 08:18:22 pm by BRUTE » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 09:09:16 pm »

i have only hunted them with a gun. i have always heard that a group of them can be bad news for a dog though. they are supposed to be quite aggressive when they have the numbers.

Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2008, 09:17:45 pm »

we caught one a long time ago and ended up packing a dog out horseback about three or four miles to the road and another forty to the vet they are some mean little boogers I wouldnt recomend hunting them with dogs

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« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2008, 09:51:24 pm »

I've never hunted with my dogs around them, but I suppose you would break a dog off of them just like anything else.  If you were to run across a pack with a set of dogs that didn't know any better, then I guess you would just hope for the best.

IF the dogs know their job they won't mess with them, not the same scent as a hog.

Maybe it's just coincidence, but I've never seen a hunting dog of any type that was born knowing to hunt a specific animal.  Every dog I've ever worked that ended up a keeper in the end was gamey as heck as a pup.  It was my job to not only show the dog what I intended him/her to hunt, but also what I DIDN'T want him/her to hunt.  Most every young dog I've been around (that hadn't been previously corrected) would chase anything that would run in the woods.

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 12:31:30 am »

I say you catch one next time you are out west and bring it back so we can do a little javi schoolin  Grin 

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 12:37:20 am »

I say you catch one next time you are out west and bring it back so we can do a little javi schoolin  Grin 

Yep,,, And I want to see it killed with a flashlite.  Tongue I've hunted all in them and my dogs have never messed with them,,and they have never been broke off them niether.i have a friend that used to have dogs that hunted them,,, bay dogs only though.

« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 08:17:42 am »

IF the dogs know their job they won't mess with them, not the same scent as a hog.

Maybe it's just coincidence, but I've never seen a hunting dog of any type that was born knowing to hunt a specific animal.  Every dog I've ever worked that ended up a keeper in the end was gamey as heck as a pup.  It was my job to not only show the dog what I intended him/her to hunt, but also what I DIDN'T want him/her to hunt.  Most every young dog I've been around (that hadn't been previously corrected) would chase anything that would run in the woods.

Said nothing about being born knowing it, said know their job. Some dogs know their job at 8 mon., some know at 2yrs. May be a difference in dogs (Curs vs Hounds), training, ect. When you run a young dog with an old dog that does not mess with them there is usually not a problem.

Dogs that trash on other stuff bust Javalinas... Wink We hunt around them all the time. I have seen other guys' dogs hit a trail right in front of us go in and get tore up while our dogs stayed in the right-away right in front of us. Only run old dogs with his for that reason. Wink
capt jack
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« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 08:50:53 am »

while in west texas, i had a dog that would bay them. a single jav was ok, but more then one and they would fight the dog and cut him up.
Cull Buck
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« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2008, 04:26:52 pm »

I've seen some bird dogs get tore up by javs pretty good while quail hunting.  Those suckers have a nasty bite.

I've also seen some get smoked with #8 shot from about 5 yards Cool

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2008, 04:22:30 pm »

They're considered game animals in Texas so you can't use dogs to hunt them. They're a pain in the butt and a dog can be trash broke to avoid them but most of the time the Collared Pecaries will run off before you get on them. And they tear chunks out of dogs like staple pullers not lash like a hog will

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