If anyone is interested in reserving the Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Working Chutes, let me know. You can book your dates early if you want to make sure another hunt is not going to be using them on the same weekend as your own, but you are welcome to check with me whenever it's convenient.
These chutes are able to be set up in a few different ways to accommodate your specific situation and include:
-easy to use trailer-compatible receiving pen
-multiple sections for splitting hogs
-squeeze capability if needed for ear tagging
-a load out chute with internal ramp and alternate extraction gate for rejected pigs prior to loading them on the shipping trailer
If you are tired of dealing with trying to work all of those wild hogs with a jerry-rigged set of chutes and pens? I am available to bring my chutes to your event. If you want to rent a quality set of chutes, and shave a ton of time off of your hunting competition, give me a call. My set up is compatible with most livestock scales, and if you can't get scales, I can supply them as well. I'll travel just about anywhere. Contact me at 979.255,O489 and we can discuss the details of your upcoming event.