Im looking for a lease within 3-4 hour's drive from Houston. Looking to barter or pay cash. This is a two family deal. My family of 8 and my friends family of 6.
Must have sleeping and shower facilities with power!!
What I can offer.
Im a contractor and can and have remodeled barns, per and beam homes, built on slab. I would be willing to update facility. Example I can get granite in 8 foot slabs already with bullnose for less than 100.00 bucks. Replumb a 2500 sqft house made of galvanized pipe for less than 300.00. With cpvc. I have references for anything remodeling related.
The lease partner can offer.
He has farm equipment complete with disk, front end loaders and box blade. He will and can leave equipment on site for spring garden plots, mmantentce, clearing, fencing, etc.
If anybody knows of a property I can give you a finders fee if we agree to terms
Property must have water frontage and a fair share of livestock
Fixitlouie@gmail.comSent from my SCH-R530C using Tapatalk