« on: October 29, 2015, 04:23:03 pm » |
I have an idea, as to contact some land owners about gaining access and id like to run it by some of you vets of the sport and see what you think. I have one decent size property that I hunt, it is a ranch owned by some big money guy out of Houston who is hardly ever there. They do not deer hunt or anything. I was contacted by the ranch foreman who takes care of the place to come help with the hog problem(he found out we had dogs because they stay at my buddies whose property meets the ranch) anyway, we hunt that ranch and there's a ridiculous amount of hogs here. But the property really isn't that big when it comes down to where hogs might actually bed and spots worth hunting. So, there are 3 different land owners on the far side with lots of woods and I know the hogs have got to be in there. My idea is to write a letter, say who I am, what I do, what I'm looking to make happen and leave my name and number. And stick it in their mailboxes. Granted one of these land owners(owns property in white) I have had a brief 30 second long discussion in the middle of a hunt and he was all for what we were doing so I think I might have some ground to stand on. But I'm not sure who the other propertys belongs to. Does this sound like it's even worth the shot? Or should I go about it different? red is what I got, white I've had brief conversation with him and he met one of my dogs. Yellow and blue I have no idea on.
We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
T-Bob Parker
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2015, 08:25:49 pm » |
Check your counties appraisal district website and often it will give you the name and mailing adresses of the owners of properties in your area. seems like you may know this strategy already, but figured id toss it out there just to be of assistance.
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2015, 09:39:47 pm » |
Get poaching style dogs and hunt at night.
no sir. There's a kid a little bit older than me and he don't care who's field it is. He drives around at night and dumps dogs on any hog he sees in whatever pasture he sees it in... I don't really wonder why I'm having trouble getting permission to hunt because of that
We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2015, 09:40:51 pm » |
Preciate that T-bob. Had no idea about that
We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
Shotgun wg
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2015, 10:21:06 pm » |
Platt maps at the court house will give you name of owner. Asking the ranch Forman to join u when u speak to them or speaking to them for you will go further than u speaking with them. I would approach them with asking for permission to retrieve your dogs in the event they get across the line. I would tell them there had been a close call or 2. Maybe even that there are places the hogs are but u can't go due to concern of maybe crossing the line. Lots of times this will at minimum get you the right to retrieve if not access to the entire property. I turned 200ac access into 10k acre access using this approach.
Shotgun Arkansas
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2015, 10:35:46 pm » |
That guy has stupid written on his head.
oh that's just his everyday thing. He had permission a couple years ago to hunt a very wealthy mans very large cattle feed yard. His dogs bayed one night in the pasture, cut the Bulldogs and when he got to the bay they had a heifer by the ears. Mr.Dees was none to happy and won't even let us hunt that place now, and I hunt with his business partners son.... Shotgun, I might try to go that route but the ranch foreman is kinda a squirrelly dude. Idk what it is about him but he's pretty soft spoken and just a different cat. I'll get In touch with him and see if he'd be willing to vouch for me.
We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
Shotgun wg
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2015, 11:34:11 pm » |
If he don't won't to it can still be done. Having neighbor speak to neighbor just makes it easier some times.
Shotgun Arkansas
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2015, 09:15:24 am » |
I did what t-bob said. It took me half a day because im an idiot on computers but I finally tracked down the owner. I was always seeing some hogs standing in a pasture and was just itching to catch them. When I got ahold of the owner it was an older gentleman and he said..."from this day forward if you see hogs in my pasture you have my full permission to catch them by any means necessary. ..they been eating up my place." I think the hogs must have heard that conversation because they kicked rocks and I haven't seen them anymore. He even called me back and said i must have gotten them because he hasnt seen anymore sign.My wife said she saw one on the way to work. Anyway good luck to ya.
Take your kids hunting and you wont have to hunt your kids
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2015, 12:41:35 pm » |
Went the county appraisal route. Turns out the yellow which is what we really want is owned by an old man one of my buddies just happens to have close ties with and we're gonna go speak with him tomorrow. The blue is 3 different properties and I'm not sure on if I even want to try for them. The white I'm gonna try but I think I'm gonna wait till after deer season because I know they deer hunt there. Thanks for the input guys
We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
Bo Pugh
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2015, 09:15:39 pm » |
I know where I'm from the worst thing to get your hunting spots took is to big of crowds. If you keep the group down to 2 or 3 people and don't tear the roads up most of the time your good to go. And to get a hunting spot go talk to them in person and tell them where your hunting and ask if they think it will be ok to go get your dogs if they get over there and there you go. You can park on the original place and just go hunting then. But if i was wanting to get any of that to hunt I wouldn't hunt anywhere close to there during deer season if you run up on a deer hunter trying to kill a deer and your looking for a dog their not going to be happy their usually dick heads if they don't shoot your dog, and that will probably end all the hunting around there.
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2015, 12:04:16 pm » |
Yeah, I hunt with 2 friends and that's it. And we walk hunt, drop dogs on my buddies property side of the creek and walk it on down. Tearing up the roads is a huge problem here cause all it is, is black land here. Can't hardly drive on it if it's rained more than 2 drops in the last month and the bottom fell outta the sky this morning so we just stayed home. And I hear yah on the deer hunter thing. I wouldn't be to keen on it either so I'll be respectful to that. But I continue to hunt the property I do have because they don't deer hunt them.
We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs