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Author Topic: that one hog  (Read 2317 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2015, 09:14:24 pm »

Semmes, if you have the Tapatalk app you can upload pics directly from your phone to your post.

Hog Doom
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« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2015, 02:48:40 pm »

I've got so many... But here's a couple that I definitely won't forget.

First one, not in order of caught, was with Doodle, Fred, and I. Guys went in and we're catching a couple hogs the dogs lines out and I was staying with the truck.... Ended up hearing Fred bayed up about 600 yards away. So I back up and get close enough to hear him bayed solid... So I get Doodle, and head to him. Three hogs bayed up with just him... I got about 40yrds from em, and cut Doodle to em. They broke cause she got hit by the bigger boar in he group, and they all broke. Well her and Fred lined one of and caught, so I ran in and dispatched her with my pocket knife because I forgot my Bowie in the truck. Lol was my first solo hog. Don't get too many major adrenaline rushes anymore, but this one was for sure. Put her around 180-200+.

Next was a 325-350lbs boar out of he bottoms. Had a couple dogs on him too... Zig and Diablo lined him out and went to fighting... (Both rough dogs) and a couple other dogs too, Soka was there caught, and a pup we had named Dixie (sure would like to know how she's doing). We head to em, cut Baus and Porter(RIP) loose, they get caught, we get in to dispatch the hog, and Ben gets it done really quick. Looking around for Diablo and he's no where to be seen. Well he took one right by his butt, and ended up having to amputate his leg. He's now with redneckrob and still a hunting SOB and still rough as a cobb.

Lots of hogs have been caught, but I'd have to say those two are going to stick with me for ever...

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« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2015, 07:51:42 pm »

Man those are some good looking dogs! And nice hogs bud!!

Arturo Villarreal -V
Elgin, tx
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« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2015, 10:30:03 pm »

 Back when I was just getting going really heavy in the hog doggin game my two buddies and I made a late night hunt on the river.We each brought dogs  Rodney brought Parva and Sally,Brandon brought Sissy and I brought Redman. We get to the spot and dump the dogs in the cypress don't take long before we hear Parva hit then squeal and start baying all the dogs were together so we knew it wasn't good.Make the 300yds quick get there and Redman, Sally and Sissy are caught on a rank 250-75lber and Parva is pouring out of her throat like a soffit running around baying and nipping at the hog Rodney dispatches the hog and I catch Parva and its bad I had 3 fingers in 2 holes clamping 2 arterial cuts in-between her cut collar and vest.We called the Russian and he said he would be waiting at the office. Switched positions with Rodney and get back to the boat.Made the 30 minute ride back to the ramp load the boat had to pick Rodney and parva up and put them in the back of the truck because he couldnt let go of her throat.Haul aßs to the Russians the ride took 45 min got there and he was waiting by now it was 3am Somehow The Russian saved her and by his own account he had no idea how she made it.This was the first time that I had seen a really bad situation unfold on a hunt and I will never forget that hog or that night.Thank god for Redman and his e brakes that he puts on big boars cause if he'd have broke Parva surely wouldn't have made it she'd have stayed after it till death.[/URL[URL=http://s338.photobucket.com/user/itsacaseytime/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-04/CAM00231.jpg.html][/URL[URL=http://s338.photobucket.com/user/itsacaseytime/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-03/IMG_20140319_014257.jpg.html]

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