Went up into the hills for a morning run last weekend in hopes of taking advantage of the cold weather. Took my two old dogs, a young bulldog, and a green 8month old pup. First cast and started a group only a couple hundred yards out. Max and red had it caught,my young whetto pup stayed with them, sent the bulldog for reassurance. Little boar down. get the bulldog off only to look down to see max and red gone. Within minutes, they had a one hander caught. Kill it, go get whetto off the first pig and head towards the truck. We get there and max and red are 600 out treed, after a little drive cross country we close it to 200 and hear a fight, we dump the bulldog and hop back in. Get a little closer and run in only to find another small pig. Load em up and head home. Happy with the pup, bulldog needs some work but got there in a hurry.
https://vimeo.com/179537763https://vimeo.com/179537971https://vimeo.com/179537989Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk