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Author Topic: Any ideas?  (Read 1153 times)
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« on: January 06, 2017, 12:56:56 pm »

Well my long run of bad luck continued this morning, went this morning to hit a spot I haven't touched since September. Kick out my yella gyp Kate and a little tater pup I call joker I'm just starting to hunt. Kick out Lots of sign. Kate starts to roll a track hard. Crosses the road at about 900 yards and keeps going. Loops a few times and goes and gets bayed at .70 . I wait for my joker pup to come back. He was real independent and went as far as 800 on his own, so real happy to see that, nose down constantly and even jumped a rabbit. He comes back pick him up and we head Kate's way. Get close as we can on the road, and she's about 430yards west off the road in a neighboring place. Call guy were hunting for he says ya go ahead we've got permission to be in there. Wind is blowing hard out of north so we can't hear her baying. Me and ray go to walk in without bulldog and see if we can get joker to hear her. Get about 250 and can start to hear her. She's doing a lot of moving and barking which usually means she's got a group wadded up. Joker heads her way we start to walk back out and I watch a good spotted hog cross the clear cut and the fence and about 10 seconds later there goes Kate. She takes him about 500 yards and looses him I reckon. Either that or she spun him back around cause she headed back the other way again to where she struck. Hunted around then lined out down the navidad river. Got as far as 1.3 from me and she started hanging too close behind a house I know there are 2 dogs that don't seem nice so we head to her. Get there call her back and immediately I see some blood but she's not limping or nothing, and blood and deep red like she's cut bad.  She walks up and I see her left leg is swolled up like a balloon. No cuts from hogs. She's got a couple different spots up and down her leg where the skin is broken and bleeding some but nothing I can forsure say was teeth marks or anything forsure. My first thought was snake bite but in 34 degree weather a snake can't hardly move if it wanted to. Head to vet and my vet says if he was a betting man he would bet it was a coon or possum bite... ok maybe so I seen her kill a possum before in completely no hog sign. But I've never ever had dogs that were broke, trash after baying on a hog. Hell even pups usually you get them in hog sign they stay honest.   I've thought long and hard and nothin I can think of to explain the swelling makes sense. So if y'all got any theories please feel free to share

I believe this is from a barb wire fence.

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2017, 01:44:16 pm »

second pic looks like a hog to me but hell who knows. as far as the rest go it could literally be anything....... think about it, she coulda been runnin wide open and got hung up in green briars or any number of things. Or she coulda very well run into a coon or opossum...... the way I look at it is these are hunting dogs....yes they are supposed to be "hog" dogs BUT I just cant make myself get angry at a dog thats hunting when a rabbit blows out of brush at their feet and they chase it for a minute or a coon steps out in front of em and they kill it..... I just laugh and move on, they know they shouldn't but that's like offerin me dessert before dinner..... I know it ain't right but ima fat boy lol Im gonna eat that dessert!

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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2017, 02:39:00 pm »

pic looks like a hog cut...first pic looks like a dog grabbed her leg and shook her a bit.

Bryant Mcdonald
New Caney, Tx.
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« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2017, 02:44:13 pm »

That "cut" isn't a cut. Just a scratch/scrape. Took hair but no bleeding or broken skin. It just don't make sense for a coon or possum simply because I don't see enough broken skin. Hell idk I just figure if one animal attacks another usually both come back half assed beat up. And both possum and coons have pretty good teeth to no have done more visible damage than there is. Weird deal.

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2017, 04:02:06 pm »

hell i wouldn't worry about it , i'd keep usin her . my kids come home skint up worse than that after playing in the woods quite often .
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« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2017, 08:10:49 pm »

Slim, they are working dogs so I wouldn't worry about it... If they are show dogs then you may want I to keep her at home and out of the woods. Lol

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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 06:48:26 am »

That's why it's called hunting. After you hunt a few yrs you will see all kinds of stuff and it won't be such a big deal

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« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 06:59:59 am »

looks like a   hog caught her and shook the  mess out of her .. I have some young dogs  out there that have those kind  of marks on em with no cuts from hogs running them down..dogs get ambushed in thick brush or high grass .....
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« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2017, 12:47:54 pm »

Not trying to sound rude but If I were a betting man id bet the farm the vet loves you and loves to see you coming, something as minor as this could easily be fixed with a shot of penicillin and a kiss on the head, looks to me like something bit her or she just ran into a saw briar patch, it wouldn't have concerned me enough to go to vet but at least you took the precautions to see to the well being of your dog...

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« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2017, 01:00:40 pm »

I'm with Parker, I've seen it 100 times on young dogs are a weak gyp, an old sow will grab them and give them the what for. Some of the old sows even have little cutters that'll make a mark just like that on a dog.

Hold on
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« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2017, 01:35:28 pm »

I went to vet simply because of amount of swelling. My vet and me have a good relationship and he ain't gonna stick it to me or blow smoke up my ass to make another dollar. I'm self sufficient when it comes to dogs but again when I can find no reasonable explanation myself and I'm not sure how to treat it. I'm going to the vet. I ain't crying or worried about her. I hunted her this morning and she'll be going again tonight long as that swelling don't flare back up.

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2017, 03:10:53 pm »

slim get you some furison salve I think that's the name its a yellow salve and mix a little dmso with it put it on a swelling and it will bring it down ....I seen it drop swelling on a snake bite dog where it was about to bust at the shoulder ....a vet  used to sell it to me and one day he said  larry you can just mix  it yourself cheaper ....I use it on cuts to keep swelling from busting stiches out ...also I have used it on myself syatic nerve  and I had them dam shingles twice and the salve helped ..... its a mild pain killer also ...if you get some you may want to use gloves within a minute or so you can taste it in your mouth hahhaha din't bother me none I was in  pain hahahaha

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