« on: April 06, 2008, 08:47:43 am » |
i got in touch with a guy that runs his dogs in ft.bend county on the weekends. took me about an hr or so to get out to east bernard, but it was well worth the drive. we cut out just before dark and about 50yds from the truck we hit a hog. all the dogs are hammering, we send the catch dog and all you hear in snorting and grunting(no squealing). we legged the hog, drug him out live and put him in the pen. now when we first got the hog we knew he was a good sized boar. we guessed around 200-250, later when we got him in the trailer and looked at him later that night compared to the sow we got, we was a lot closer to 300+. didn't have big teeth and only chewed on the catch dogs ear. after getting on that first one no more than 5-10min into the hunt we decided to go ahead and walk some more to try and get another one. about an hr or two later the dogs got on another. every dog we had was hammering so we sent in the catch dog. this time we could hear the fight well before we were close to it. as we got in, we could smell this boar before we were able to get to him. none the less the hog broke and ran the dogs to the river. sye and on of the guys young dogs tried their best to stay with him and to trail him up when the other quit, but we didn't him. we were about to go home, but decide to make another loop the opposite way, it paid off. about 30min to an hr into our loop the dogs got on a group of hogs. three sows and TONS of piglets. we had a two black sows and a blonde colored sow in the group. the dogs worked good together. they had them all circled up, when the catch dog got there it broke. the blonde sow ran to a small creek and the black sow cut out. we got the smallest of the group(she went around 150 or so). as we got the sow tipped we are all(me and three others)grabbing piglets. then we had to drag her about 200+yds to where we had brought the truck to load her up. it was good hunt. got on a big boar to start the night and finished up with a good sized sow. dogs worked real good. sye hunted good, he was right there with the experienced dogs. he'll only get better with time. he was at every bay, this time and when the hogs broke he was right there on their heels(well at least in seeing distance..lol). my gyp is still coming along slowly. she'll get out, but she isn't hunting yet and she didn't open at either bay. as we were dragging the sow out she started biting and barking at the caught hog. i didn't want to strap her for messing with a caught hog cause she was showing intrest and barking, just need her to do it when the hog isn't tied...lol. all in all it was a real good night. the dogs worked good and seen hogs. sye got some more experience on him as well as kristen. sye didn't try to catch these hogs, when the catch dog got there he then pulled some fur...heres the boar we got...my mother in law has my small digital camera, so all i had was my camer on my phone...not a lot of light so i had to take the pic in two sections...didn't get a pic of the sow...  
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 08:56:26 am by duece24 »
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 09:08:16 am » |
DUECE,,Sounds like you had a lot of fun and got some prime time for your young dogs. Nice looking boar also. Way to go man 
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 10:48:14 am » |
appreciate the compliments....yeah we had a good time...they guys i was with were good guys(guess i've been lucky as i haven't run across anybody i wouldn't want to hunt with again). the dogs worked real well together and we got some pigs. i'm serious about giving these dogs a real chance to be some good ones. they both show to have the ability to be a pair of good dogs.
oh yeah forgot to add that i put the shocker on sye last night....I LOVE IT!!! a cow ran across the road and of course he went to jacking with it. buzz buzz buzz, he didn't jack with another cow the whole night...lol. we had to wait for two of the guys to bring the jeep around and while waiting sye(and a few other dogs)kept jacking with the caught sow. buzz buzz buzz...he finally left her alone. i set the unit to have continuous and beep with continuous. i always used the beep and continuous, it didn't take long for him to learn that beep beep beep means quit doing whatever your doing. didn't even need to use the shock, just the beep.
best $70 i spent thus far...lol
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2008, 04:22:27 pm » |
A couple more rounds with that shocking collar could be the worst investment you'll make in a while.You have to be real careful when & when not to shock. Messen with a caught hog is not a shocking offence in my book.Ive seen many dogs ruiened with a shock collar.Could be the worst $70.00 that you've spent thus far if your not careful. GOOD LUCK,,LAVON
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2008, 05:06:48 pm » |
sounds like you had fun mate nice hog congrats
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2008, 07:16:08 pm » |
A couple more rounds with that shocking collar could be the worst investment you'll make in a while.You have to be real careful when & when not to shock. Messen with a caught hog is not a shocking offence in my book.Ive seen many dogs ruiened with a shock collar.Could be the worst $70.00 that you've spent thus far if your not careful. GOOD LUCK,,LAVON
will definately take it into consideration....i actually could have hit him several times while hunting but didn't. he opened up several times and none of the other dogs were there with him. don't know if it was hog or not, but i chose not to spark him up cause i didn't know....thanx for the warning.
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2008, 08:25:45 pm » |
Heck of a deal Josh... glad you got on a good bunch of hogs! 
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2008, 08:13:41 am » |
Josh, you need to spark him up, you should be able to tell by now if hes on track or if he's baying. I dont think he's as silent as you think he is but that is just my opinion, I have only hunted with him once. You might not be able to make him quit
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2008, 10:48:27 am » |
been wondering about that myself...but it's odd cause each time we got on hogs he was silent until he reached the bay. the other dogs were baying then he got there and opened up. when the second hog broke he was silent for a good long while, we were tracking a gyp that was running the hog(we think). sye was silent then. about 5min later we heard him in the direction that the little gyp was tracked running. honestly i don't know. i honestly think he gets bored/frustrated and will open out of frustration...hell i don't know...these are the reasons why i need to keep him in the woods so i can start to figure these things out... 
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution