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Author Topic: Slow motion  (Read 1945 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: June 26, 2023, 03:50:00 pm »

So I’m a stickler for seeing things for myself and not relying on what someone else thinks they see or saw. Now and then we get the opportunity to get some decent video of dogs working. I love to watch it like it’s game film. I’ll slow motion it backwards and forwards, forwards and backwards to see how and why things happened, good or bad, the way they did. It has taught me a good bit about individual dogs and dogs as a whole, heck hogs too as far as that goes. Of course there’s no set in stone rules but lots of tendencies usually hold true. I think it’s an extremely valuable tool. Do any of y’all do this? Myself, I think in live speed thing’s usually look one way, but in slow motion it tells the truth. I had a video sent to me the other day and the person that owned the dogs thought it was real nice. But if you slow motion it, there’s a ton going on that the regular eye isn’t fast enough to see. I didn’t think it was as nice as they did before I slow motioned it, but afterwards I sure saw several problems. I’m not calling anyone’s dogs sorry at all. I’m just making the point that if they study this video it could save them some injuries, lost dogs, or even busted bays. I don’t know about y’all, but when it comes to my dogs, there are definitely favorites and the non favorites better not jeopardize them.

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« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2023, 04:10:00 pm »

I most definitely look at videos to see how the pups and dogs are working the bay…usually it’s a caught hog most of the time…I’m mostly interested in watching to see how the pups work and think…i especially don’t like the nippers…I also like them to have the mentality to want stop a runner…

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2023, 05:37:37 pm »

It’s helped me understand things and improve my odds. For instance my catch dog Loki. He is the single most ear minded dog that I’ve ever owned. More than that though he is left ear minded and to me, it’s to a fault. He will completely cross the hog to try and get the left ear when he came in and had a clean shot on the right ear. This gets him cut. It potentially gets other dogs cut when they try and help. And it probably means a busted bay in the briars. I love the fact that he knows where he wants to catch, all good catch dogs have their “mark”. The difference is the real good and accurate ones improvise. They will adjust and make it happen. So I try a little harder to send him in on the hogs left side. If I’m able to do that it’s a caught hog.

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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2023, 07:36:04 pm »

You pay attention a lot of dogs are like that. Mine for example you see a lot of my cur dogs have scars on one side and very few on the other. Some have very few and are rough as a cobb. You can see passed on to several generations and same hog sign on them same side. If you pay attention they will come to you to be petted on the same direction, load on the same side of the truck. I definitely think a dog has a dominant left to right side preference like a person. Just like bucking bulls/broncs have a side they spin too.

That said I don't video mine......I don't want video evidence of how sorry they are! Lol

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2023, 11:03:54 pm »

Lmbo Cajunl you gotta record and erase. You catch those wall hangers so they’re doing something right!

I totally agree with them having a dominant side and I have noticed most of them take punishment to same side consistently.

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« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2023, 07:58:28 am »

If I did that, I’d probably cull most of my mutts  Angry
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2023, 08:17:31 am »

If I did that, I’d probably cull most of my mutts  Angry

Me and you both Ben,, LOL..

Hoghunters do it deeper in the bush.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2023, 10:19:11 am »

The way both of you catch hogs and have for years, I’m sure your dogs would be safe!

I kinda started doing it by accident. I’m not the most tech savvy and it honestly wasn’t something I really thought about doing until I actually saw my Loki dog do something that was obvious. I slow rolled it back to confirm my eyes weren’t lying to me and they weren’t. It was a miss and a cutting all in one that didn’t look like it should’ve been. I got to going back after that and doing it with other vids and then really got to paying attention at the bay when I sent him. Like Cajunl said, I understood the dominance thing, I just never thought about that overwhelming dominance aspect being the reason for him getting cut or missing. I need him to adjust, heck he needs himself to adjust. With this heat and his AB breathing, having to try and run hogs down or multiple attempts at catching them isn’t in his favor. He won’t grad one in the ham to turn it if he’s running it down. He will run to the head and that leads to the hog either hitting the breaks and him doing a fly by or the hog bolt 90* away from him. Either way he has to run them down again. I like a dog that will ham one and move to the ear as soon as it stops. In typing all this it kinda sounds like high expectations but I’ve seen too many do it so I know it’s possible. Plus the fact that he’s really intelligent and athletic. Y’all can call BS on this story if ya want to but I’m gonna tell it anyway. Sent him to a bay from about 30 feet away. The hog was back up against a wad of briars at the base of a big post oak and facing away from us. Right as you get to this oak and briars there is a wet season ditch that’s about 2 1/2 foot wide. Just as Loki going airborne to jump it the hog decided to break and bolt right across in front of Loki. Momentum would’ve carried him past the hog moving across his face but he had the ability to think and reached out with his front right foot to push off the tree and change his direction. He was on the left side and he snagged the hog. Wasn’t but 150+ pounds but he did it. That to was just really impressive. So why can’t he think to catch that right ear if it’s an easy open shot instead of crossing the hog to go for the left one? I know this is reasoning and dogs “don’t reason” they say. But to me it’s the same adjustment as understanding he had to change direction to make the play.

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« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2023, 07:46:13 pm »

Just a question…
Does Loki have the same bite lineup on both sides?  I have had AB’s that the bite was different in closeness one side compared to the other and favored chewing or slicing through raw feed because of that. They tend to know what works best for em

Wry jaw is prevalent in the ‘breed’

Does he have broken teeth?

I have seen in my own dogs in he past that have broken their teeth from catching or being broke off because they refused to let go and from amateur breakstick technique favor a certain (opposite) side to chew or catch on.

Just wondering
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« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2023, 07:51:23 pm »

I can see a dog knowing where its bread is buttered if it had a crooked bite.

The least bit may count….

I know myself because I’m lackin lot teeth lol.

I definitely have to favor a side for biting and a side for chewing hahaha
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« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2023, 07:52:40 pm »

Couple/ few mo years I might not be doing either
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« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2023, 08:10:05 pm »

The whole akc nonsense of a dog underbite is a fallacy.

A dog catches with its hangers and slices with its cutters.

When breeding moves its bite forward to an underbite it is unnatural and hard to maintain evenly thru genetics because of that.

A natural even bite is desirable to me.  One of my biggest pet peeves on dogs bred for a conformational underbite. Very hard to correct

A dog knows if it is catching something or fighting something and has the sense to apply the appropriate pressure. If it had a natural bite if it’s catching it won’t rip out a hold if it’s fighting it will tear out all the chunks it can
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« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2023, 08:19:56 pm »

Had old catahoula. He’d catch when bulldog got there or before, depending on the hog, but he’d hold em tight but when we legged the hog he’d take that same ear he was caught on with him and eat it.

He appropriated his bite for that goal.
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« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2023, 10:45:08 pm »

This is me trying a new way to upload vids. But if it works watch both the catch dogs cross at the last second and go for off side ear from where their easy shot would have been.

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2023, 10:47:47 pm »


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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2023, 05:48:40 pm »

Semmes those are good legitimate questions. One other question that I wondered was could it even be that he hurt his jaw possibly even fractured it. I checked his teeth and they checked out, at least to the naked eye. There was no swelling that I could see either. His natural bite is that natural underbite that the AB’s are known for. It isn’t what I would call extreme but definite. As far as can remember, this didn’t just start happening at some point. It’s been the norm since I started using him. For that reason and the fact I have given time off so that possible injuries could heal and it remained the same makes me believe it’s just his way. I also tried something else, I have given him raw meat chunks as well as raw bones with meat on them and watched him chew on both sides. I do believe he’s just more comfortable on that side and feels like maybe he has a stronger grip.

Slim, that’s similar to Loki, but he will do it when coming in to T bone the right ear. Those two dogs looked like they at least had an angle where they could at least see the left ear.

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« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2023, 10:24:14 pm »

I  believes Gus habit of always going to the right ear cost him that eye injury.  He crossed in front of quite a few hogs to get that hogs right ear.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2023, 07:51:00 am »

I’ve always realized that dogs had a preference just like people and horses, etc. I guess I just didn’t pay close enough attention to how adamant some of them are about it. I think most of us have had or seen those dogs that don’t seem to miss. Those dogs that if the hog doesn’t leave before they get there, is a caught hog where he stands. Then there are those that usually get it done on the first try but do miss 2,3,4 times out of 10. Some dogs are 50/50 at best. I’ve always put as much emphasis on catch dog as I have the bay dogs. Some coaches say great offense wins games and some say it’s great defense. I say let’s get them both right, both strong. If you can score a 100 points that’s great but if the other team can score 101 then it’s no different than not scoring at all because it’s the same outcome. If you can keep a potent  offense from scoring that’s great but it doesn’t matter if you can’t score either. I can’t catch hogs if I can’t find them or bay them and it doesn’t do any good to find/bay if I can’t finish by catching them once they are found and bayed. A good catch dog can keep the helpful bay dogs from getting wrecked. A good catch dog can keep them from having to run longer races because they miss or can’t hold. A good catch can keep you from getting wrecked. It’s a bad feeling to crawl in on your belly, knowing that you can’t go any direction except forward or backward when your looking eye to eye with a beast that is mad and NOT under control for whatever reason. Handle is obviously a big deal to me as well. In my simple mind, a good handle helps myself as well as the catch dog. I think if nothing else, this slow motion thing makes me a better handler. It helps me help my dog.

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« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2023, 01:58:55 pm »

Thomas I agree 110% on filming the dogs. I have tried to do this anytime I can. While I try to pay attention in the moment, I am more concerned about getting the hog under control if the dogs are getting rough on it and things are getting a little hectic. When I’m by myself I don’t worry about filming unless it’s a small hog but if I’m with someone else I like to hang back and watch/film and let them get the hog under control. I have buddies that want to kill every hog and I couldn’t care less about killing one these days, so it works out for both of us. No matter what I think I see, slowly scrolling through video will almost always show details that I missed. I have especially noticed this when trying to watch multiple dogs. When I go back through film I will watch every small detail on one dog, then start over and watch another dog. On a catch dog side, this will often expose the dog re-gripping even if it’s slight.

Dumb question, but have you tried to purposefully put Loki on a hogs right ear? As in physically stick him on that ear? That is very interesting that he chooses to only hit one side.

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Trying to raise better dogs than yesterday.
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« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2023, 11:37:01 pm »

No I’ve never tried to groom him to it. I honestly thought he was a enough of a thinker to hit it himself when it was the most obvious choice. Until I finally started paying attention to it, I didn’t realize just how one sided he is. Even thinking back to the open field hogs I remember that he even runs up their left side on a run down.

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