We have been trying to keep the about 10 head of ~2 year olds we’re trying to get made this year busy. Did that this weekend for sure. A few of them have been out every day since Thursday.
These are from our gut check on Sunday afternoon, everything was pretty smoked from the weekend but figured we’d go dump them on some cheap hogs and see how bad they wanted it. Absolutely 0 complaints from us, some of them probably finished the day with close to 40 miles on their feet every one of em dug deep and was rolling once we got in the hogs.
Caught a couple singles and shoats. Then bayed a nice little spotted boar that is hopefully going to grow in to a big healthy barr for us. Dogs rolled and Misty was one of the last to leave. She trickles across the creek not 60 yards and bays 9+ boars laid with one hot sow. Everything fell in and they had another pretty bay going. Then Bob goes and does Bob things and the dogs were pretty gave out at that point, rightfully so. So we called it and left the rest for another day. Think we tied 3 caught 6 and some shoats. Just hogs, but dogs worked good.
Caught 1 other sow early Sunday morning. Then tied into a boar, miles and hours later we had to call the last 2 dogs off of him because they were in some country we don’t have access to and one landowner was not very nice.
Had a teenage young man that got a pup from me that’s trying to get in to some dogs along with us all day. He got to see a lot of what his pup is related to work. We also got to use misty and one of his pups brothers(ironically named the same “Goose”) to get him started on a live hog after the hunt as well. Had another buddy and his young son along for morning hunt. Good day in the woods for sure.
Morning hog
Afternoon tied hogs
Some videos of good bays
https://vimeo.com/1050821312https://vimeo.com/1050821786And then bob breaking one of those
https://vimeo.com/1050822506Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk