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Author Topic: HAVE BEEN HAVING SOME FUN HUNTS  (Read 389 times)
The Old Man
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« on: February 09, 2025, 08:33:19 am »

   Have been a few times lately, went one night and rigged a hog that really ran, by the track it's a mid sized boar. He ran in 6 sections and covered 12 miles, briar thicket to briar thicket with some good running in between. Caught off of him when he got out of our country.        Went SW of us an hour to a friends place that doesn't have dogs, we made a pretty big round in a couple of places where the hogs had moved from and then hit a spot with fresh sign. Dogs got struck and ran probably .75 out of a bottom to a hill, they split, I had 2 that went over the hill and stopped in a very small area but did not show bayed " they were out of hearing", were about to move to them and Adam's dogs turned towards the highway so we went out there to be road guard. While there my two left where they'd been and came over near the highway as well, the 4 dogs were on two separate tracks, then headed back to where my tow had been circling. they all 4 bayed wo we moved back off the highway a mile and started to them. They broke and headed north we rode on up to the top of the hill in a highline right of way and were tracking them when the largest group of big hogs I've ever seen together came out of the timber from exactly where my dogs had been circling. At least 30 head and not a shoat or pig among them.  From this high spot the dogs showed bayed 1.8 NW of us right on the North Canadian river, we drove to within .5 of them to a corner and locked gate not knowing who owned it, an older  man pulled up in a pickup  by us and asked if we were lost, I told him no but we had a hog bayed down on the river. He said that was his place and I asked if he cared if we went and got the dogs and hog. He told us the combination to the gate. We rode in and found them bayed in the river it was not swimming deep where they were, we put Adam's bulldog on a leash and a rope and pulled her over to us. Real good sow, pretty wooly, mahogany colored body with a grey bottom.  Rode back out of there and since the man lived just about 100 yds from the gate went and knocked on the door, thanked him, he said we could go in there any time.     Another trip near home we rode in a place and my old pup went and got bayed by himself, I saw him leave working some real old sign, head up drifting and casting once in a while putting his nose down, he never opened on track went about 500 to the hog. The other dogs went to him and it broke, after a short 75yd race and another bay caught a decent boar. Went on up the bottom and had some good running with a good sow bayed and a bacon bit mashed, that was a group of hogs that got in a big briar patch and from there to a cattail patch  We sat in one spot and heard some good running for an hour or more.       
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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2025, 03:31:41 pm »

Sounds like some real good dog work, and got access to some new property to boot.
The Old Man
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« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2025, 05:19:05 pm »

  I was real pleased with the young dog, and the new property is far enough from home we won't go down there often but it's good to know we can get in there if we need to.
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« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2025, 06:38:27 pm »

A lot of times when you do things right they work out in your favor. Y’all showed respect and he reciprocated it. Your young dogs sound like they are really trying and the one that went solo sounds like he has it figured out for sure.

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2025, 08:33:15 pm »

Good hunt Clue. Glad those young dogs are cranking.

Bayou Cajun Plotts
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The Old Man
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« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2025, 09:47:15 pm »

             Those young dogs came along just in time, I only have two mature dogs, and all 4 young dogs are still doing equally well, thankful to not run out. Have another four coming right behind them, then two more after those. Gonna be really busy assessing for a year or so. With a total of 10, surely can get a few all the way over the hump. There are 4 crosses in the 10, 4 of one cross then 2-2-and 2, so some future breeding possibilities as well.  I sure don't want to run out and have to start over again, I'm old and that takes time haha.
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« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2025, 03:50:57 am »

  Clue, I have had people ask me why I have so many dogs. I often leave trained dogs at home just so I can hunt the young dogs. Twice I have come close to running out of dogs and I sure dont want that to happen again. One year I lost 4 young dogs in the month of Feb. to hogs and later that summer had two overheat and die. I am not going to get in that position again if I can help it.

Bayou Cajun Plotts
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« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2025, 12:46:46 pm »

Y’all are smarter than me. I let my old family of bulldogs run out and man, I really wish I could kick myself sometimes. Now I am starting over.

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« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2025, 05:19:10 am »

Sounds like them young dogs are showing out for you

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The Old Man
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« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2025, 06:07:57 pm »

  They are doing good on the hogs, but they are still soaking up quite a bit of electricity. The one that outshined the other dogs baying that boar solo got fried off a coyote before we struck the next hogs. But it doesn't cow them down.
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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2025, 01:44:07 pm »

  They are doing good on the hogs, but they are still soaking up quite a bit of electricity. The one that outshined the other dogs baying that boar solo got fried off a coyote before we struck the next hogs. But it doesn't cow them down.

nothing wrong with that, glad to hear they stepped up
The Old Man
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« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2025, 06:57:42 pm »

   I got to thinking about these 10 pups and although I knew it all along it dawned on me that 8 of them are out of one male dog. I lost him about 90 days ago but this gives him a real good chance to "prove" to be a prepotent reproducer, and if so, I did collect him back in the middle of the summer. There are 7 of this oldest litter and all 7 are doing good for their age, 2 of the 7 that I don't have, already bayed their own hog as well. They were 1 yr old Feb.1st.
  I know thats not, and am not claiming that to be phenomenal or anything but in my long time fooling with working dogs I have only had a few litters that all made. Looks like these could.
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« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2025, 08:38:52 pm »

That's where good breeding come through, when you get high percentages of usable dogs.
The Old Man
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« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2025, 08:40:30 pm »

 Haha, I can't count 7 of the 10 pups are out of 1 male.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2025, 09:44:47 pm »

Haha, I can't count 7 of the 10 pups are out of 1 male.

I really believe with some half sibling crosses that doubles up on the male dog, you can come dang close to reproducing him with selective breeding and culling in a few generations.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2025, 01:59:06 am »

The consistency of the litter is one of my very biggest criteria for a dog being breed worthy old man. I don’t know if there’s anything much more important than that. Of course the individual has to be talented but if it doesn’t have a very high percentage in their litter that are talented too, I won’t breed to them. I’m sure happy for you that his pups seem to be doing so well, especially since you have several of them. Do you notice any differences in his pups out of different females or do they all seem to be real similar in type and style?

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The Old Man
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« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2025, 07:57:11 am »

   The half brother/half sister has been my very favorite cross to line up on an individual (male or female) for many years.       These older pups are his second litter, the next in line is just now getting old enough to start, the younger one will be several months away from starting age, so I don't have a "real world" comparison other than similar physical traits and their behavior.
   His oldest litter was from an outside female and I only got 1 of them, it that started real well but received a handicapping injury. The only other one of them I have kept track of that was hunted made a very nice bear dog.
    This male is from an extremely line bred strain of dogs, it was an absolutely closed program, bred by one man, from around 1960 until 10 or 12 years ago.   He started with dogs from 5 crosses, several of which were related and never put anything else in them.
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« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2025, 10:03:00 am »

That makes sense. Him being that tightly bred will probably help in crossing to anything. It should create potential for a good hybrid vigor. I’m glad you like the half brother half sister cross. I just made that cross for the first time as well. It’s too early to know if she took. I’m hoping it works as well for me as it sounds like it has for you. I’ve never bred my Outlaw dog until recently. I sent him out to the Sexsquatch and he bred him back to a nice niece of his. I got him back home and bred him to another niece and then to my Ava gyp that is his half sister. Ava had only been bred once but the pedigree on this litter is very similar to her first litter with the only exception being my old Raylynn gyp is on top and bottom. I appreciate you sharing that. Obviously you’ve had your success carrying on both families of dogs. Makes me feel a little better about some of my brainstorms, lol.

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