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Author Topic: Trash Breaking off Deer  (Read 4826 times)
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« on: November 10, 2009, 09:34:27 am »

I was browsing through a Lion County Supply catalog yesterday and saw a thing that they sell for breaking dogs off deer.  Basically it was a pad that attaches to a standard collar and a bottle of scent that you put on the pad.  The description said you just keep the scent on the pad until the dog tires of the scent and your problem is fixed.

This sounds too easy.  Deer breaking young dogs has always been a challenge to me because the dogs are hard to see and catch right in the act.  Anyone ever heard of, or tried this?

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Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2009, 09:42:09 am »

 I had two dogs that loved to run deer. A few trips in the goat pen and the problem was fixed. Sounds to easy to just put scent on a collar.............

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« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2009, 10:02:52 am »

Bryant....that has always been a method for coon hunters. There is a book called 'Walk with Wick' who was a coon hunter. He had some good trash breaking methods.

He showed that method and also would take that same scent pad or a deer's rear hock of a deer and wrap electric fence around the scent.

My favorite method which I reminded a few dogs last week....get a 55 gallon drum. Insert scent (which was a deer hide) insert dog and roll til you are tired.

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2009, 10:05:30 am »


   Why not just go rope a deer, then put him the the barrel with the dog and roll them around a while.

Please get video if you choose to go this route.

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« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2009, 10:27:36 am »

my method is is havin broke older dogs that that tell on them younger ones when your old dogs come pourin out in the road u no somthing aint right then i will shock the pup i always run a shock collar on all my young dogs till they are about 1 1/2 so they dont get away with nothin

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« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2009, 10:39:37 am »

I go to open fields at night where I know there will be around 50 to 100 deer if they try and run one I will burn them up. They can throw their head up but if they take off and chase I will flip them quick.

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« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2009, 12:04:13 pm »

my old dogs know better than to run a deer, but i use a shock collar on my pups.  like lionandboar said, the old dogs will tattle on the pups every time.
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« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2009, 05:21:17 pm »

Where we hunt its too thick to see what the dogs are chasing. I've never tried this but I know someone who would hang a barrell from a tree then put the dog inside of it with some deer scent and then swing and spin the barrel at the same time until the dog puked. He said that after the dog puked, it wouldn't go near a deer after that. Seems too brutal to me. Huh?

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« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 06:08:49 pm »

I agree that catching a dog running a deer can be tough.  I hope someone tries this scent method and lets us know the outcome.

I have recently heard from several people exactly what cantexduck mentioned.  If you can break a dog off goats they will leave deer alone. Dont know if that is true, but it seems like a good idea.

Almost tried the barrell trick once with a cow hide and a dog.....but two shock collars eventually did the trick (One collar around the neck did nothing to the dog, one on the neck and one on the flank changed his mind though)

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« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2009, 06:35:38 pm »

I ahve tried the scent pads on one dog and all I managed to do was get it all over my hands. It didnt help my dog or my buddies dog. But my dog was one of those useless Catahoula's I was just proud he could find anything. Grin
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« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2009, 07:29:37 pm »

HogBoy, Flanking the shock collar on that dog did help, but I bet you we can still catch a cow with that dog, even with no teeth in his head!

I like using a Broke dog and and shock collar on a young one. I got goats, dogs are raised around goats but deer are different and smell different, run different. Same as whitetail vs. Exotics, different animals with different smells. My Joker dog would not look at a white tail, but liked the taste of cabrito. My Jagd can run loose with Goats all day long, even let them eat out of his feed bowl, Occasionally still wants to chase a running white tail.
I think the trick is teaching them not to fool with anything other than a hog, that is trash breaking, by conditioning.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 07:37:53 pm by uglydog » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2009, 07:35:45 pm »


Danged ole dirtydog !
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« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2009, 08:28:10 pm »

With these cur dogs I have less trouble than the hounds and beagles...We (for pups)used to take a deer gland and make a hot wire "bee hive" around it,turn the pups out in the yard and they will find it  Grin  do this a few times and they will be deer broke before they ever get started. For older,young dogs already hunting I like to try and set them up or catch them at it and shock them then try and get them on hogs the same hunt.

Bryant Mcdonald
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« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2009, 09:04:39 pm »

Sounds like kind of what I figured...too simple to be true.

I honestly don't think my pups ever have much of a tendancy to want to trail deer, the problem arises when one blasts out ahead of them and they want to give chase.  The problem is that when this happens and the pup is out a pretty good distance, it makes correcting very difficult if I even know it happens at all.

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« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2009, 09:59:01 pm »


I thought it worked...atleast it has for the past year. Pretty sure a pair of my older dogs bumped deer twice in the past few weeks so I reminded them again the other day. They definitely will not look at a deer at my house or the woods behind my house....which is where i do my trash breaking.


Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2009, 10:45:03 pm »

We use to just take the hound Xs out on a oats patch or open field where there were a ton of deer, especially at night, and cut them loose. When they went for the deer we hit'em with the shock collar. It took some dogs several times to get it.

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« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2009, 11:36:39 pm »

I have heard of all the above scent breaking methods and even heard that if you put deer scent on their noses before the hunt that they wont fool with them either.  In my opinion the best way to break them is work them on hogs, then take them deer hunting with tri tronics, then take them and put them back on hogs as fast as you can.  Be sure to praise them for the hogs and scold them for the deer.  I dont recomend breaking them off of deer before they are running hogs first.  If they continue to bump deer make sure they are wet when you take them hunting for deer the second time! Smiley

Joey Young

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« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2009, 11:51:08 am »

I have tried the scent pad thing. IT DOES NOT WORK!! It just makes your dog stinky.

A lot of the time when a dog runs a deer it is because the deer ripped up in front of it.  Even old dogs that know better can be tempted by a sudden chase.

What has worked best for me is, once the dog is running hogs like it is supposed to.  Take the dog out in an open field and turn it loose on deer you can see.  Let it run it enough that you know it can smell the deer and is not just running by sight and shock it.

Once the dog will not run one in that scenerio, take it out like you are hunting and try to rip one up in front of it by walking it through bedding areas and such.

Step three would be to turn out a dog that will run a deer, let it get a race going and turn your dog in to the race.  When it joins in, shock it.

I may not have explained my method the best but this is generally what I do.  It takes a while and doesnt work over nite but will get the job done.
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