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Author Topic: FINISHED DOGS!!!!!!!!  (Read 7262 times)
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2009, 04:03:25 pm »


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« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2009, 04:07:33 pm »

I was half expecting that response. Wink

Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2009, 04:21:27 pm »

A dog without raw speed can't outrun cattle and hold them up......thats a cull because he can't do his job.

Slow track speed, well no point in that, it shows a weekness in the genitics.

Circle C
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« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2009, 04:34:46 pm »


  Would you hold the same set of standards to a hound with regards to the track speed?

Or do you apply the standards comparing apples to apples, cur to cur, hound to hound?

Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2009, 06:01:13 pm »

Catchdog=hold on ear and not let go, not fight with other dogs while on hunt, listening constent for the bay if heard.
Baydog= trash broken, respect other dogs bay, easy to handle, just enough pressure on the hog @ bay.
strikedog=dont really know what some people consider a strike dog (grittydog) i guess?
rcd=trash broken, respects other dogs, and catch on ear during chase.
just my opinion on what a fisnished dog should do.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2009, 06:12:33 pm »

ive been huntin dogs since i was knee high to a bowlegged grasshopper and i n that i dnt have the best dogs in the world,but i have had sum dang gud ones in my time.i also n that there is alot i havent seen r learned yet.the deal on finished dogs is a touchy subject for me.the dogs that i raise and feed and hunt will give me everythang they got r they dont eat my grandpa taught me a long time ago that a gud dog will eat as much as a bad one will.the thang that i cant understand about people is most not all will try to sell u a bunch of crap and say its the best dog in the world,why cant they just be honest?when i sell a dog to sumone i want that person to be 100 percent happy because trust and respect goes a long ways with me.i wouldnt lower myself to lie about a dog just to sell it ,that crap aint rite.i myself prefer long range dogs but wat ever range u hunt they better be hunting and giving u 110 percent in the wood,if a dog can do that then in my opinion they r hog dogs.with that said if my dogs dnt have the heart to stay with a hog until u catch it or there eyes swell shut and they cant walk then they aint by n means a jam up dog.

Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #46 on: December 09, 2009, 06:40:38 pm »


  Would you hold the same set of standards to a hound with regards to the track speed?

Or do you apply the standards comparing apples to apples, cur to cur, hound to hound?

I don't run any straight hounds but I run a lot of half bloods (Plott x Catahoula). Yes I hold them to the same standard, why should it ever be OK for a hound to have slow track speed? Thats an honest question. That hound or 1/2 hound should be able to pick that head up and run like hell on a track. Track speed is close to the top of my list.

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« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2009, 08:30:02 pm »

A finshed dog is a 4 to 5 year old dog that has been hunted hard by someone that knows what they are doing. You can pretty much know what they will do in most situations. To me finished is not how good they are because dogs have different degrees of ability. They can range from culls in some folks eyes to great and all in between. From 4 to 7 or 8 will be their very best years.

The older I get, the better I was.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between a dog and a man.
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Strike Dog
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« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2009, 09:18:49 pm »

A finished dog is a dead dog.......there are always areas EVERY dog can improve on. There is no perfect dog. I have owned good strike dogs (hogs and cows) in the 26 years I have been hunting with dogs but there were always things I thought I wish they would do to make them better. That is strictly my opinion.

The same goes for me..... i have been hunting for a long time, but there is always something I can learn on a hunt, even from someone who has only been hunting a few years.  Grin
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #49 on: December 09, 2009, 09:37:16 pm »

I have seen where alot of people and Im not singling anyone in particular out has said there is always somewhere a dog can improve. If you hunt a dog until he is old enough to retire at some point he or she is going to stop improving. In most cases they will begin to fall off a little.
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« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2009, 09:52:04 pm »

I have seen where alot of people and Im not singling anyone in particular out has said there is always somewhere a dog can improve. If you hunt a dog until he is old enough to retire at some point he or she is going to stop improving. In most cases they will begin to fall off a little.

I want a dog to improve until it is retired......once retired it is no longer a "hunting dog" then becomes a yard dog/family member.......... If you relate that to people.....your employer doesn't expect you to fall off before you retire....he is paying you to work the same at 64 1/2 as he did the day you were hired......obviously you would hope to have moved up in the company......but you are expected to perform to the best of your ability until you retire. The same with a dog...... I expect a dog to perform to the best of it's ability until I feel it is time to retire it.  Again this is my opinion.......  Grin
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2009, 09:57:52 pm »

If I have a dog that is 4 to 5 years old and is not extremely solid in every phase of his working style on hogs and cattle both, I consider that dog a cull and wonder why I didn't figure it out sooner.

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« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2009, 09:59:35 pm »

Hey Paul would you check your pms please?409 651 9140 Alan Desormeaux
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2009, 10:00:12 pm »

Pecos if I have any that make it to retirement I hope they get better right up until the end.  As far as me I dont think at 29 Im near what I was 10 years ago! Grin
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« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2009, 10:05:05 pm »

If I have a dog that is 4 to 5 years old and is not extremely solid in every phase of his working style on hogs and cattle both, I consider that dog a cull and wonder why I didn't figure it out sooner.

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2009, 10:05:12 pm »

If I have a dog that is 4 to 5 years old and is not extremely solid in every phase of his working style on hogs and cattle both, I consider that dog a cull and wonder why I didn't figure it out sooner.

In most cases you may be correct.....but I have owned an exception to that......I was given a "cull" dog that was 4 yrs old. He didn't impress me the 1st two hunts i took him on.....but the third hunt he clicked....(at 4yrs old) and he got better everytime I took him. He would strike at first but wasn't rough at all, then he got cut bad, after rehab time....I was afraid he wouldn't hunt or would bay off, but he was grittier than he had ever been....he got better until the day he died some 3 yrs later.

I know this is a rare case...but needed to be said
Strike Dog
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« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2009, 10:08:51 pm »

Pecos if I have any that make it to retirement I hope they get better right up until the end.  As far as me I dont think at 29 Im near what I was 10 years ago! Grin

Well at 35 I can't do everything I could at 18....but I sure try like I can........I helped a friend brand and vaccinate some calves a while back (after having an office job for the past 8 yrs or so) and I worked like I was 18 again......but it caught up with me......  Grin
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« Reply #57 on: December 09, 2009, 10:10:56 pm »

To me the term "Finished" in dog terminology means comleted training at whatever task you desire them to do.If a human is a finished student they have completed their education to the highest level and are now ready to face the task at hand in the real world.For those of you that say a dog is not finished because they never stop learning need to look at it like this,A human can be a finished student at law school and excell in the courtroom just as a finished dog will excell at hog hunting consistently,BUT when he/she has their first child they will have to change lots of diapers(didnt learn that in law school!)uh oh!does this make them not a finished student and excellent lawyer,no!That is something he/or she will learn and adapt to as they go.Same goes for hunting dogs,they are labelled "finished" when the owner/trainer is satisfied they can consistently complete the task at hand and any learning they do after that is a part of life,There are lots of finished dogs out there at 2 yrs of age-I OWN 2 OF THEM!!!!! Any doubters are more than welcome to walk behind them in the woods.Sorry for the rant,jimmy.

Quote from the great Will Rogers:
"If there are no dogs in heaven,when i die i want to go where they went"
Strike Dog
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« Reply #58 on: December 09, 2009, 10:38:26 pm »

To me the term "Finished" in dog terminology means comleted training at whatever task you desire them to do.If a human is a finished student they have completed their education to the highest level and are now ready to face the task at hand in the real world.For those of you that say a dog is not finished because they never stop learning need to look at it like this,A human can be a finished student at law school and excell in the courtroom just as a finished dog will excell at hog hunting consistently,BUT when he/she has their first child they will have to change lots of diapers(didnt learn that in law school!)uh oh!does this make them not a finished student and excellent lawyer,no!That is something he/or she will learn and adapt to as they go.Same goes for hunting dogs,they are labelled "finished" when the owner/trainer is satisfied they can consistently complete the task at hand and any learning they do after that is a part of life,There are lots of finished dogs out there at 2 yrs of age-I OWN 2 OF THEM!!!!! Any doubters are more than welcome to walk behind them in the woods.Sorry for the rant,jimmy.

I will call you on this one......they have a thing called Continuing Education that EVERY Doctor, Lawyer, Dentist, Chiropractor, Pharmacist, Nurse, Paramedic, EMT, and any other person with a State or National Liscence has to attend because there are always things they weren't taught and new methods of doing things that they need to learn to become BETTER at their profession they have to adapt to their trade and the changes in that trade...A doctor that became a Doctor in 1967 will lose his or her right to practice if their CE's aren't kept up that analogy doesn't work......sorry..... Tongue
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2009, 10:47:31 pm »

Dogs are not people

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