Holy Cow I don't remember being this busy before... This bunch we got in has had me going from Kin' see to Kan't see and full throttle the whole time. Only good thing about it is they're a pretty good bunch of guys and all round hoot to hunt with.
Last day of 2009 for me ended in a good way spite all the crap that has happened last year. On Monday got a new(to me) shotgun to replace the ones stolen and got to take it out and shoot a Redhead, bluebill and spoonbill drakes yesterday morning (Outta the the yak of course 8-) 8-) ) then the last of this group flew in at lunch. One of them wanted to get a Nilgai so we go to the range, I introduce him to the lease's 7mm Weatherby (If I didn't want a .375 H&H this is a top contender for top 5 Nilgai rifle EVER) and go sit in some tripods overlooking a gully going down to the creek.
At 5:00pm I'm reading a magazine recipe for Elk Heart Fajitas (Hmmmm... This sounds like a good idea for a Nilgai heart....) when I look up for my paragraph done take a look around look and see a bull walking behind us browsing down a trail and into a mott on the trail. We wait and at 5:15 when my hunter is about to think he ain't going to see this bull again he walks out a 80yds and give him a shot.... BOOM! Bull runs 50-75yds and piles up. I don't know how much he weighs.... Scale goes to 400 and he bottomed it before his hindlegs left the ground so maybe 450-475. 7 1/2" Bases and horns
Then I been promising El Presidente pics of "Tha Tank" the lease's H2 Hummer Topdrive. Its kewl but give me my F-250 ranch truck anyday... I need speed over height for chasing down bulls :lol: :lol: :lol: