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Author Topic: One Eyed Rollee  (Read 2065 times)
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« on: January 12, 2010, 05:43:05 pm »

Last week my Jagd male Rollee took a tusk to the eye socket, and we had to have he eye removed due to damage. This is what he looks like this week. stitches come out thursday or friday.
It is taking him alot of adjusting to get used to it, not sure if I will ever get to hunt him again, and if I do how much difference it will make in his hunting style.

Anybody have any one eyed strike dog stories?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 06:32:17 pm by uglydog » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 07:06:43 pm »

i have had several one eyed dogs thru the years never bothered them

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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 08:13:43 pm »

One of the best dogs i have ever hunted behind had one eye,

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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 08:32:58 pm »

Oh Boarninja has an awesome one-eyed named "Ugly".

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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 08:34:46 pm »

That look just adds a little character.  Wink

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« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 08:43:30 pm »

tuff little guy , might be better than ever with some time!!!

Eric Edwards (512)-673-0843
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« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 10:02:58 pm »

better to have one eye then one leg

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« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2010, 10:18:01 pm »

what he dont see goin he'll see comin back ! give'em hell rollee !! Evil Evil    angel
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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2010, 03:14:20 pm »

chicks dig scars !!!!!!
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« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2010, 09:39:07 am »

He will do just fine. Will make you laugh at times cause it will take him some time to get use too. He will want to trust his nose but can't see things he use too and will run into tree's and stuff like that. You will find that he will choose to bay on one side of the hog cause that's the eye he can see out of. But it will take a while for him to trust himself again he will back off farther than usual at first. But don't count him out he will come back and learn to use his other senses more to be a better dog.


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« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2010, 08:42:04 pm »

Thanks Everybody, I feel a little better now. The Vets helpers wanted to make sure I would not hunt him again, but that is a not a choice for them to make for my dog, I just hope I don't have to take him back in there for anything else hog related!

Coach, what you said about him running into things is very true and thats why it concerns me. He seems to hug the path on the side of his good eye to help him get around. I have been keeping him inside and mostly kenneled as per Vets orders, but have started letting him be outside for longer lengths of time each day. Today he was jumping on top of the dog house like it was nothing.

little guy was not overly rough, This was only his second bad injury in two years of hunting, I think he just zigged when he shoulda zagged or either one of the bigger dogs pushed him into the hog, lol.

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« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2010, 11:09:19 pm »

Predators with both eyes forward (as versus a horse with eyes to the side that may not see all that good together) like dogs use the two eyes for depth perception analysis.  He may bay  a hog farther back, not because he is "scared" but because his lack of depth perception makes him think he is where he needs to be.  Or he will get even closer!

I have a good horse, great hog hunter horse, that lost vision in right eye at 13 years age.  Took an adjustment period, but he is fine today.

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« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2010, 06:33:58 am »

 My dad had a 3 legged 1 eyed german shorthaired pointer when I was growing up and I would put money on that dog in any situation. Lost a leg due to a duelly pickup backing over her and lost the eye and part of her skull from a swat from a bear. Dad hunted her till she was 14 years old, It all depends on how your dog adjusts and the willingness/heart to hunt again.

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« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2010, 09:03:21 am »

My little Pitt law had one eye cut by a hog she still catches fine just took some adjusting for her

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« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2010, 09:08:54 am »

Dang big dogs pushing the little one to get things started. LOL That sounds about right. He will get more custom to things as the days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. Them little booggers don't know the meaning of quiting. He's gonna stumble for some time. To me it's amazing how well they progress using everything else they have.   It was because of that grit they have I had to get rid of mine they tried to catch every hog no matter the size. They are 20lbs of grit and heart.                             Good luck.


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« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2010, 03:54:09 pm »

Things I have observed with my son's one eyed hog dog UGLY:

Ugly lost his right eye at age 4 and an adjustment time was needed for sure. To many times I heard him get nailed by a hog before he even barked! On these occasions I believe he had tracked right up to hogs and didnt even see them due to his approach from the blind side and then BAM! A grunt, a yelp, and then the bay was one!
The right hog could have wrecked him during his adjustment period I believe, so if I can give you any advice at all with Rollee its to be careful with him until he gets right. Easier said than done with hog hunting I agree.

Some days Ugly bayed way back on a shoalt and others he was way too tight! Even with the man hogs. Shocked Im sure it had all to do with his depth perception being out of wack. A few well placed cuts from hogs finally got him right. I was worried he wouldn't survive much longer the way he was acting but he made the adjustments and has been doing fine ever since.
He is over 10 years old now and still going good as long as I keep the Hip and Joint Complex pumped to him. A miracle pill for old dogs in my opinion.

It slowed him down on a track but made him a lot more thorough! Ive witnessed younger and faster dogs pass him up only to overrun the track and fall way behind him again.

He started depending almost entirely on his nose.
I cant prove that the loss of one eye had anything to do with it but he started grinding on colder tracks longer and putting hogs at the end of them more often.
We would pass over sign that other dogs wouldn't bother with only to have ole Ugly grind on it for a wile then fad into the thicket. We usually find him bayed hours later when that happens.

His right eye is missing and its made him almost completely left sided. Rides on the left side of the truck so he can see better, hikes his left leg to Pee! Grin
No affect on hunting ability. Just an observation. Cheesy

Over all he was a good hog dog before he lost an eye. He got better on a track (in a several ways) after he lost that eye though.

Another word of caution:
If you feed Rollee treats by hand then look out!!!
Screwed up depth perception due to the loss of that eye may cause Rollee to get a holt of more than just the treat! Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Wink Another one of my observations with Ugly! lol.

Good luck Rollee!

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« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2010, 07:47:27 pm »

Thank You BoarNinja!

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