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Author Topic: Runners  (Read 10786 times)
Bay Dog
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« Reply #60 on: March 15, 2010, 11:10:07 pm »

What line of Plotts u runnin?
Hog Doom
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« Reply #61 on: March 15, 2010, 11:16:41 pm »

This has been a good thread!
Im just back from trying another shot at that runner I cute my dogs off of on Saturday. Caught a different hog ( a piggy sow) but this one ran 1.2 mile from where the dogs found it before it bayed. She stayed in the thick swamp the whole race avoiding open pasture and dry land! Tell me that hog didnt know what she was doing. We decided to call it an early night. We were plain wore out and soaked to the bone! That one was easy compaired to the others we usually run out there.

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Catch Dog
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« Reply #62 on: March 15, 2010, 11:20:27 pm »

They r not even papered they are out of a gyp called sweetpea and a male they called ruff. I also have some alabama hammer and some of Kris odoms Stuff.

Cutter Bay Kennels
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« Reply #63 on: March 16, 2010, 06:52:48 am »

Nothing like getting a few young dogs on a runner.  Helps their tracking come along quickly.  Never really liked the 1 minute race before they bay, but I shore don't like the 5 hour race stuff either.  Just saying.

"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.   Wink  " Josh Farnsworth
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« Reply #64 on: March 16, 2010, 10:45:21 am »

I agree. That is why you have dogs that can stay on one if you feel'n it but can be called back if you not. Smiley

"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
Cutter Bay Kennels
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« Reply #65 on: March 16, 2010, 11:46:47 am »


"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.   Wink  " Josh Farnsworth
Hog Doom
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« Reply #66 on: March 16, 2010, 12:42:02 pm »

14 hours!!! Shocked

I would get that sucker mounted!!! That is one impressive hog and dog to put on that kind of race! What kind of size did it have to it? Lie to me if it was a shoult! lol

If this is what you call a shoult than so be it Wink
Check out the boars nuts 1 was gone and the otherone was barley there. BY the way smokey is a OPEN MOUTH Plott. Shocked

LOL. That aint what I call shoalt! I figured it was a good hog. Thats why I asked.

That second hog is proof to me that nut dogs dont always work. That aint the 1st runner I have seen that has been castrated by the dogs!

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Catch Dog
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« Reply #67 on: March 16, 2010, 03:00:07 pm »

interesting thread indeed. i must say nothing will bring out the opioniated side of our fellow swine slayers like talking about "the ole runnin a$$ pigs" that we couldnt catch. to be honest i dont see anything at all wrong w/ any of the fore-mentioned methods of defeating a runner. they all will work ,but ladies and gentleman let us not forget that our beloved swine are plain and simply put natures 2nd best surviors (only next to roaches of course).  They will adapt to our hunting styles just as we adapt our hunting styles to their escape methods. Case in point; i had a spot where my best strike dog who at the time couldve been considerd a RCD of sorts he would catch or attempt to catch every swine he saw. but he always got out run by this one hog. every time we went to this spot he would always be in the same spot and run the same way. we tried it all get in front of the pig, block the holes in the fence where he crossed, added dogs, took dogs away, ran gritty dogs, ran soft dogs always the same result wet, tired, and pigless. Untill one day the stars and the moon aligned and he tryed to play hide and seek in a honeysuckle thicket and my redbone knuckle head(who i later culled for being opened mouth) found stoped and bayed the runner we caught him. he was bout 140# Boar no teeth and nothing speacial about him except he should've been on the olympic distance team. Keep in mind if they all get caught or killed wether it be by us doggers, heli's, trappers, or still hunters we wouldnt have any more to hunt. so as much as it hurts to say this be thank full for those few who out run us cause they may keep us all going, they will just make us reassure mother nature why she put us on top of the food chain.

run as they may they will only die tired!!!!!

" If your gonna be dumb, your gonna be strong" TACP instructors first day of class
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« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2010, 03:55:55 pm »

ktchemwcurs apparantly you and some of the other people on here dont understand what i call a runner...a running hog 2 me is not one that you drop your dog out and he goes out there 200 or 300 yards and barks and the hog breaks then shuts him down another 20 or 30 yards and just keeps breaking, iam talking bout throwing your dog and he never laying eyes on the hog just trailing 10 or 15 min behind the hog in that wagon trot that hog get in it dont matter what kind of nut dog, loose dog, rough dog, one dog, or twenty dogs you have if the hog doesnt want to stop he is not going to stop thats when a dog with bottom is your only chance and 90% of the time you will get burnt, and whos to say that you didnt know you were on a runner and your dogs just wouldnt stick with him

Sorry I have not replied to anyone and thanks for all the good post. To start off with if I knew my dogs would not STICK WITH a hog then he wouldn't be in my kennels. You are right not understanding a Runner and I am sorry because my dogs strike a hog and they put everything in there heart to run(NOT TROT) the hog down. I have some long legged strike dogs and YES I HAVE BEEN BURNED but it is not more than once a year. I have a very high success rate because the places we hunt are infested with hogs and they are very large ranches. I apoligize if anyone thinks I was bragging on my dogs. IM NOT. I was just experesssing my opinion of hogs that want to runn in the places that I hunt.
With that being said, I hope everyone that has problems with runners will come up with a solution to stopping them. I voiced my opinion on what we do with runners. I am going on 25 years of catching 200 plus hogs a year and I still don't have good dogs but I sure have good enough dogs for me! Grin

Take a kid hunting,thats our dogs future!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2010, 05:00:02 pm »

Gentics-speed -good cur dogs!!! Works for me!! I have said it once will say it again a hog can breath as long if he is in a trot but can not if he is in a run a dog with alot of speed will knock the  wind out of him and the hog has to bay! Got burn for the first time this year the other day but went back and solved the problem!! It happens to all of us!! IF THEY KEEP BREEDING THE BUCKING BULLS TO BUCK THEY WILL HAVE TO START BREEDING THE COWBOYS TO RIDE THEM!! WHAT YOU THINK LARRY MAYHAN GRAND DAUGHTER WITH JUSTIN MCBRIDE BE A GOOD CROSS!!  Grin Grin LOL  GENTICS!!

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Catch Dog
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« Reply #70 on: March 16, 2010, 06:24:48 pm »

well kchemwcurs i understand were your coming from now not all of us get to hunt large places that are infested with hogs...probably like most people on here i hunt large places with very little hogs with lots of hunting pressuer on them....even if my dogs do get burnt alot my hat goes off to any dog that will stick with one for two or three hours even if they dont stop it cuz i have seen alot of dogs give up with in twenty minutes...didnt mean to get any arguments started withthis thread just want to see who eles out there was getting burt alot like i do
Catch Dog
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« Reply #71 on: March 16, 2010, 08:19:10 pm »

catchem w currs i wouldnt worry about offending  anyone ,seems like you have good enough dogs . but what do i know, im just a washed up cowboy whos hunted cattle and hogs for years. seems like a lot of folks here are trying to re invinte the wheel . people have been working and catching hogs for years with currs and leopards. why do i want some new breed just cause they look good or rough. 5 or 10 years from now lets see whos still hunting and who has thought they need a new"hobby". no i dont catch every hog i go after, but if i get burned ive done every thing i could have done, and turned every dog i could have loose. every one who gets into hunting  for a year or so thinks they ought to have the best dogs. and catch the biggest hogs. i wish people would just shut up and hunt but what do i know, hell im drunk and goin to bed goodnight
Strike Dog
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« Reply #72 on: March 16, 2010, 08:30:32 pm »

Kyle0329 and Piglywigly, this is a good website to voice an opinion, not run peoples dogs down especially when you know nothing about them. I simply voiced an opinion of how my dogs shut down a Runner Hog. Did not say anything about my dogs being better than anyone's. Don't need to prove my curs because they have already proved thereselves to the person that feeds them everyday. And to be honest with Piglywigly I was pushing the 500 yards, sorry, I say about 1 in 50 hogs make that far, the rest don't make it 100.  Grin  

Your difinition of a Runner Hog is as you stated, "throwing your dog out and he never lays eyes on a hog, just trailing 10 or 15 min behind a hog in that wagon trot that hogs get in that no matter what kind of dog you have, it will never stop"  OK, if you throw your dog out and he never sees the hog, how do you know he is on a hog? How do you know he is 10 or 15 min behind the hog? Guess I don't understand that either. If your dog never catches up with the hog then he never bayed in the first place. If a dog bays one and then he rolls out then I call that a Runner Hog. But having a dog that just runs all night hunting out long distances, that to me is a long range dog. Your not gonna find one every night. Grin  I don't know what kind of dogs you hunt but I do know that I have had dogs that are open on the track a little bit and they will push a hog for hours. Just trying to under stand more about the way you hunt so maybe we can help you catch that Runner Hog.

Take a kid hunting,thats our dogs future!
Strike Dog
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« Reply #73 on: March 16, 2010, 08:33:04 pm »

i would like to hear how some guys get a runner stopped on a small place. lets say 1000-2000 acres. if i had a dog that would stay in a race for 2 or 3 hours, i would be soooo far off some of my properties it wouldnt even be funny.

bay em son!
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« Reply #74 on: March 16, 2010, 08:39:55 pm »

i would like to hear how some guys get a runner stopped on a small place. lets say 1000-2000 acres. if i had a dog that would stay in a race for 2 or 3 hours, i would be soooo far off some of my properties it wouldnt even be funny.

Most of the times those hogs will run in big loops... I've ran plenty on properties that size, for many hours and many miles.

Boar Slayer
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« Reply #75 on: March 16, 2010, 08:42:24 pm »

i would like to hear how some guys get a runner stopped on a small place. lets say 1000-2000 acres. if i had a dog that would stay in a race for 2 or 3 hours, i would be soooo far off some of my properties it wouldnt even be funny.

Most of the times those hogs will run in big loops... I've ran plenty on properties that size, for many hours and many miles.
x2 Many times I have seen a hog run off the property we were on but by the time they bay up they are right back where they started. Very seldom does a hog take a straight line and stay with it.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #76 on: March 16, 2010, 08:44:42 pm »

i used to have a hound that would stay with a hog for days but i can only recall twice when the hog looped back to us. maybe im just unlucky Cheesy.

bay em son!
Strike Dog
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« Reply #77 on: March 16, 2010, 08:48:56 pm »

1000 to 2000??? I tell you whats hard,,you try to stop a Running Boar hog on a 10 acre rice field and he keeps running in circles! Huh?

Take a kid hunting,thats our dogs future!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #78 on: March 16, 2010, 08:53:27 pm »

i would like to hear how some guys get a runner stopped on a small place. lets say 1000-2000 acres. if i had a dog that would stay in a race for 2 or 3 hours, i would be soooo far off some of my properties it wouldnt even be funny.

Most of the times those hogs will run in big loops... I've ran plenty on properties that size, for many hours and many miles.

Yep! Ive ran them for hours in a 200 acre patch of thick azz swamp, and 300 acre corn fields full of mature corn.

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Strike Dog
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« Reply #79 on: March 16, 2010, 08:57:26 pm »

1000 to 2000??? I tell you whats hard,,you try to stop a Running Boar hog on a 10 acre rice field and he keeps running in circles! Huh?

are you serious?Huh? i have just about laughed at people when they talked about running dogs on 10 acre places.

bay em son!
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