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Author Topic: Selling Everyting  (Read 1859 times)
hog bit
Strike Dog
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« on: March 23, 2010, 05:24:22 am »

My good friend is terribly disgusted right now because he is going to lose his honey hole.  I can understand his disgust as this is a really great spot close to his home. 

He has decided to sell everything related to hog doggin.  I am trying to convince him that this is a mistake he WILL regret.  He has a good pack that works really well for him.  I've seen several people that say they have got out and returned.  Can any of you all that have got out share some of your experiences and possibly offer some perspective?  He does frequent this board; so I am sure he will see this.

I know that if he gets out I will miss hunting with my friend. 

Thanks for any and all advice,
coyote hunter
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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 07:42:17 am »

i almost quit due 2 marriage problems that this stuff created but my ex wife convinced me 2 stay in it.  she told me that this was a true love and that i had 2 control how much i loved it and did it.  im the happiest man in the world 4 not sellin out even tho i am now divorced    but huntin actually helps me deal with that.  no honey hole can ever compare 2losin  a wife and ure kids   thank goodness tho that she talked me out of it   if i cant have her (or a honey hole)  i still got my dogs and the thrill of the chase now and then

bay tight, catch hard
Catch Dog
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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 07:53:18 am »

i sold out one time but 6 weeks later i was buying more dogs and to this day id give any thing to have a few of them dogs back that i sold lol

gritty dogs getter done down and dirty
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 10:18:48 am »

I also had the delima of selling out because she didn't like me hog hunting and being in the woods so much! I now have a great wife and we are getting back into the hog dog scene, and she is now married to a drug head POS!

Moral to the story, get rid of the woman and keep the dogs! Oh yeah, almost forgot! I am so much happier now with a wife that actually does stuff w/ me in the outdoors and the kids are having the times of their lives!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2010, 06:27:12 pm »

make him KEEP THE DOGS!!!!!! I sold out 2 years ago because of a new job i got and didnt have time to take them hunting. I said i was not getting back into it, and here i am trying to get back into it. starting over a new pack sucks. the people i hunted with before have moved on, lost places that i use to always hunt. hog hunting runs in the blood you may not realize it at first but it will come back and bite you and you will start missing it. then when you do get back into it, it is so discouraging when you have a dry night and start comparing your started dogs to the dogs that use to could
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2010, 07:10:26 pm »

Like the old joke I'm sure you've all heard......

Wife at the front door screaming. ...........
Dog at the back door barking.................
Which one do you let in?................
The dog, it'll shut up once you let it in. Grin

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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 03:40:29 am »

if youve got the money buy his setup...then you can sell it back to him when he kicks himself in the ass...or keep the good ones that work for you and sell him back what dont... Cheesy Cheesy
hog bit
Strike Dog
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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 09:00:41 pm »

My buddy has decided to give it a while and see if he can get used to having to hunt fir a spot to hunt. Thank you all for your responses.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2010, 04:41:29 pm »

I have had 2 good friends get out that were long time hog hunters. Its been years and they talk about it but, they still haven't got back in the sport. A man has to make up his own mind and do the things thats best for him and his family but, loosing a place to hunt (no matter how good it is) just dont seem like a good enough reason to get out. Its a good excuse though! Wink

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Catch Dog
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« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2010, 06:00:42 pm »

me and my buds lost our hunting spot and only got to go once in a wile if we got invited , hunting spots are hard to come by in south fl. i started wondering if it was worth feeding and taking care of dogs that were only hunting a few times a year plus i felt bad for my dogs i was loosing sleep over it! Then one day my friend calls me up all excited says he met a guy through work that owned a few orange groves that took his number and said maby he would give him a call if he had a prob with hogs my bud had allready got rid of his dogs but i still had mine, we were all happy for a month or so until we decided he would not call then i was back in the same boat a pack of dogs and nowhere to hunt but i held onto my dogs and figured they were forgetting how to hunt and feeling bad about it. Then one day about 8mths later from out of the blue the guy calls my buddy and says were on. The guy wanted us to come out and meet him and see what the dogs could do I was so nervis my dogs had not been on a hog in a long time and i wasent sure if they still had it i thought they might not do to good and the guy would say no thanks but figured we had nothing to loose. So we loaded up to meet the guy get to the grove and cut the dogs loose they head out about 100yds and bay i am thinking coon great so we get to bay and holy sh#$ its a huge boar hog i cut my red nose rose loose and caught hog. The guy seams very impressed and says them some good dam dogs (lol) gives up the combos to the gate and to another bigger spot and  we have been hunting them spots for the last year.     Funny thing is the next couple of times we went we got smoked but the dogs are dooing great now hope it lasts a while

looks like were getting wet
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2010, 03:00:38 pm »


where you at in S Florida?
Catch Dog
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« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2010, 06:15:39 pm »

Martin county

looks like were getting wet
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