So my buddy has been wanting to go to my place for awhile so we decided to give it a shot today. We got at the place at 530, hit a few spots...nothin...hit another spot....nothin...hit another spot finally a bay, bay broke loaded up the dogs and went to another spot. Had two bays goin on we got to the closest one and it was about a 175 lb sow, we went to the other and it was a 20 lb piglet. We loaded up the dogs and hit another spot, and 1 if the pups trashed on a deer. We loaded them up again and on the way to a creek we saw a really good sized hog cross the road. We dumped the dogs and we had a bay we ran up and it was a 50 lb boar, the dogs rolled and for the next two hours we chased that hog for miles. We got into shooting distance one time with it but we couldn't get a shot off. We stopped hunting at was long but a fun hunt. I would have got more pictures but I left my camera at home so these pictures are from my phone. Next time I won't forget.