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Author Topic: whats the best way to make a hunting video?  (Read 3052 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: July 30, 2008, 06:04:49 pm »

ok so this has been on my mind for a while now every time i think of making a video i wonder what would be the best way to make it . ive watched the doggin boars 3 by bloom brothers heaps of times and the way they make there videos is good there comentery is good and evreything but there is no way i would have the guts to do comentery on a video every time i hear myself on a video i laugh. i have the dvd from east texas hog doggers of course its also good to watch it shows the full clips from start to finish. there is nothing cut out and i think thats the best way to watch a hogging dvd because you see the bailers at work and then you also get to see the lugger or catch dog as you guys no them  let off and run straight in and hit the pig.  and ive also seen a video from some guys here they go by the name of bristle busters theres is good also.. in the movie i seen of theres they had music playing the hole time through the movie and cut out the sound of the actual clip . and they were showing the full hunt of the pig in nearly every clip hardly anything was cut out and there video also seemed very fast paced as soon and the pig was stuck they would go on to the next clip . every hunting dvd i have seen has been great there is no flaws on none of them from what i could see and they were all different from each other in there own way . it seems like all the ways of making a pig hunting dvd has been taken so how can a person make there dvd different ? .... i am making a dvd real soon im just waiting to get some real good footage first and the way i was thinking of making my dvd is to show full clips from as soon as i see the pig right till i stick it but cut out some the audio and putting music in at some spots . say were it gets to a part were the dog suddenly starts gettin thrown around by the pig or play music at a chase scene like i see a pig running across the flats and i play some music then untill everthing slows down. and also at the start of nealry every clip have a picture of the pig thats coming up in the next clip or something.. all these thing would make it a bit different from other movies i have seen but will it make a good dvd ? thats what im asking ....what do you guys think ?
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2008, 07:05:07 pm »

hey man keep doing them the way you have been ! i really enjoy watching your videos ! now if you are looking to sell them you may want to get some advice but i like your videos they are real as it happens no bs involved !
Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 06:55:27 pm »

They're all good, I like one where you can hear the dogs work.... and you can't go wrong with some one just a little bit funny commentating Grin

Hopefully I'll take the time to do some videos this winter, too much of a hassle in the heat right now!

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 09:53:14 pm »

hey man keep doing them the way you have been ! i really enjoy watching your videos ! now if you are looking to sell them you may want to get some advice but i like your videos they are real as it happens no bs involved !

yeah thats what i meant mate im making a hunting dvd soon and wondering what would be the best way to make one . i suppose i should of said hunting dvd instead of video lol
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 01:32:30 am »

dylan, i am very proud of Doggin Texas 1. Not because it's the best one out there(it's not, I have seen better ones. Hey, some people have better equipment Cheesy ) . Not because I've made a bunch of money off it(I haven't because I've given away about as many as I've sold, which kills your overhead Cheesy ) . I like ours so much because it's personal to me. From the slideshows, to the music, to the hunts themselves; I tried to make it something I would want to sit and watch. You have some really good videos dylan. Now just put all the things personal about you into it. In other words, show what you would want to see in a Hog Hunting Dvd and I'm sure it will be great! Hope this helps a little, and you know if you need any tech help to just give me a shout, just make sure you put me down for a copy! Wink

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 02:52:28 am »

ok sean thanks mate i think i know what im gunna do now for my dvd cheers.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2008, 06:04:05 pm »

Man if you do a video, dvd, or whatever,lol I will buy one, I love the videos you put on here.
One question though, and its probably stupid. How do you know how to find your dog if it's on a hog that isn't squealing? Do You use a tracking system? I'm wondering because I have no patience with curs and there is times I'd like to go hunting by myself but I'd have to do it with just bulldogs.

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2008, 06:10:45 pm »

Man if you do a video, dvd, or whatever,lol I will buy one, I love the videos you put on here.
One question though, and its probably stupid. How do you know how to find your dog if it's on a hog that isn't squealing? Do You use a tracking system? I'm wondering because I have no patience with curs and there is times I'd like to go hunting by myself but I'd have to do it with just bulldogs.

its not a silly question mate,  i actually dont have a tracking system but if you have one i suppose that would be a good way to find them. all i do is listen really i dont know how else to explain it when a pig squeals i can hear the for miles and when they grunt i can hear them from at least 800 metres . the times i havnt found him was when he was one good pigs say pigs about 200lb or over when he is onto them he cant get them to grunt or squeal all the time so i just walk through the forest listening . if i cant hear him ill kep walking straight for a few kilometres and if i still dont hear him ill change my direction and do the same . i make sure he comes back to me before i leave that spot ive sat there callin out his name for about 2 hours once . but yeah just listen and try a tune out all the noise around you except for the grunt or squeal lol.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2008, 07:02:10 pm »

yeah,  so probably just going during the days would be better then right? you wouldn't hear as many bugs. owls, etc.?

Catch Dog
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« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2008, 04:40:25 pm »

i've been thinking about all that for a while now... lol. it was alright but i thought bristle busters wasn't as well put together as it could be.... i just think you should try and get the chase from start to finnish as clear as you can. maybe some pump up music while the chase is on. but as soon as the dog hits up take the music off. show the battle until you stick it then replay the hit up and fight in slow motion once with commentry then show still shots of the pig well set up with you behind it ( to show its size) at different angles with the weight listed below. i got heapsa other ideas but im guna keep them to myself  Grin

Till death do they part:) luggers for life!
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